Aventus + Artos : working independently for greater collaboration across the ticketing industry

Artos Systems
Aventus Network
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018

It’s been a busy few months over at Aventus HQ, and the team is rapidly expanding, so we thought we’d take the time to provide some clarity around recent developments and our roadmap to the future.

This week sees the launch of a new venture, Artos Systems (www.artos.io), which will work independently of the Aventus Protocol Foundation to explore commercial applications of the protocol. For organisations throughout the ticketing supply-chain who are interested in leveraging the power of blockchain, Artos offers the technical expertise and industry-specific insight to work with you to create a tailored ticketing solution.

The Aventus Protocol

2018 is the year of blockchain: a globally distributed, democratically-powered ecosystem that is seen by many as the “next stage” of the internet. Built upon the Ethereum blockchain, the Aventus Protocol is an open source system being developed and initiated by the Aventus Foundation, a non-profit organization promoting innovation in the ticketing industry. The Aventus Protocol will be available to any organisation wishing to develop and improve their infrastructure with blockchain technology.

Aventus Protocol Foundation

Founded by Annika Monari and Alan Vey, the Aventus Protocol Foundation is a non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote innovation in the ticketing industry by developing, standardising and promoting the Aventus Protocol:, a global, open-source blockchain platform.

The Foundation was created to supervise the development of the Aventus ecosystem (see above), educate government and regulatory bodies, and advocate on behalf of the community.

Artos Systems

Artos was created to pursue commercial applications built upon the Aventus ecosystem.

Designed as a SaaS offering, Artos partners with organisations in the ticketing supply-chain (including promoters, venues, and primary and secondary ticketing agents) to create intuitive solutions that integrate the Aventus Protocol into their business models.

The Aventus Ecosystem

The overall ecosystem is comprised of four layers. Underpinned by the Ethereum blockchain, the Aventus Protocol provides a host of features designed to:

  • Give event organizers, ticketing agents, artists and venues greater control over ticketing transactions.
    Event creators can utilise smart contracts to adjust variables such as initial pricing, price caps, and revenue splits from resale at a granular level.
  • Improve ticketing experiences for buyers.
    Members of the network can vote on event and ticket seller legitimacy, helping to eradicate tout-led hyperinflation, ticket counterfeiting and fraudulent practices.

Application and Services Layer

Developers and ticketing organisations looking to build mainstream ticketing applications can partner with Artos to benefit from our expertise and deep familiarity with the procotol.

By facilitating access to the Aventus Protocol at the services layer, Artos aims to make using the protocol as efficient and easy to use as possible.

Artos is your bridge to the blockchain, partnering with ticketing organisations who wish to make the most of this cutting-edge technology to develop, manage and support ticketing apps powered by the Aventus protocol.



Artos Systems
Aventus Network

We are the bridge to blockchain for the ticketing supply chain, with Enterprise API connectivity and tools, for all businesses within ticketing industry.