HBO Doc Fake Famous Helped Me Enjoy Instagram Again
An honest review from an Instagram blogger.
The bright, light pink background with white words that popped off the screen loudly spelling out “Fake Famous” drew me right in. These catchy words led me to an intriguing trailer all about Instagram fame. I was hooked!
Not only do I love documentaries. I love Instagram. Well, I did. Now I do again.
To see the amazing HBO logo check this out. I am not posting it to avoid copywrite infringements.
When Fake Famous made its debut on February 2nd, 2021 I was in a social media slump. Spinning my wheels as a writer trying to grow my platform. For me, this meant I spent a lot of time for little reward. Small, slow growth at best. Declining growth at worst.
I was sucked into the social media vortex. Instead of using social media, the social media machine was using me. I was spending so much time (and money!) trying to manage my social media. Thinking I could beat the algorithm or at least break into it. I was feeding the system and making it grow while I was shrinking in every area.
My writing was inconsistent to non-existent.
My “followers” were increasing at a painfully slow rate or stagnant!