The Journey

Average Jay Ultra Runner
Average Jay Ultra Runner
3 min readNov 23, 2016

So for the average person the question I always get is How do you guys do it?

Well lets take a look at my outlined race plan for the next two years going through to Badwater 135 miles in July of 2018. Running is an incremental sport, and so as much as I may not have been running for many years, I have week on week incrementally raised my weekly training and Mileage by the recommended and no more than 10 percent per week for 3 weeks and then reset in week 4 to week 2. More about training programs in a later article.

This is also applied to the races you choose to do, and much thought needs to be put into the race build up to that one crucial event you earmark every year. You will see some races I will run hard, but for the most part they are just used as training runs, time on the feet and legs, and enjoying the sport with friends. *We need to remember that we all run for the love of running, and if you like me that does not make money from this sport at all, it must still be fun and enjoyable!*

You may ask, Why use races as training runs? Well as an Ultra runner your weekly mileage is obviously much higher than lets say a Half marathoner, and so you weekly long runs become increasingly longer and longer. So why not use the opportunity? You then don’t have to train alone and you get to spend time with incredible people achieving their goals. And well I always say the biggest benefit is not having to carry my own water! Water Tables or Aid Stations are the greatest invention in running, and worth every penny of your race entry.

So with all that said, lets just for now map out the Key Checkpoint Races on our journey together along the way to Badwater 135 Miler in 2018.

*this will be updated as we go along the journey and more races / training races are added.*



Average Jay Ultra Runner
Average Jay Ultra Runner

Average Jay Ultra Runner is a ride along journey of just an average runner pushing the limits of Ultra Running. Yes you can be an Ultra Runner Too!