Building the Aversafe Partner Network

Josh London
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2017
The network effect begins with building actual networks!

The Aversafe platform is powered by a classic network effect — in other words the value of our network is a direct result of the participation and activity of our users. So it should come as no surprise that we’ve engineered our platform with global accessibility and long-term, continuous value creation in mind. Still, at the end of the day, technological solutions can only take us so far.

We understand that the network effect necessarily starts with building an actual network. So, we’re hard at work developing a robust list of partnerships with reputable educational institutions, job boards, and high density employers around the world. While Aversafe’s endgame is as much about providing security and value for individual users as it is about catering to big institutional players, we know that certificate issuers and major companies will ultimately provide the trusted foundation of our network.

To build up our network of partner educational institutions and certificate issuers we’ve started building an Aversafe pilot program. The Aversafe pilot will involve a handful of universities, English schools and other certificate issuers to provide a proof of concept for our decentralized credential issuance and verification services. We’ve already entered into conversations with several education providers and international job boards in South and East Asia and are well on our way to onboarding representatives for every conceivable variety of Aversafe user.

While our projected pilot partners already include students, jobseekers, educational institutions and job boards, another key component of the Aversafe network involves business to business interactions. Though our integration into some of the worlds leading job boards will no doubt facilitate streamlined job applications for many of our users, we’re still working to build relationships with high density employers directly. While brokering relationships in the business world might usually pose a daunting endeavor, our teams extensive history managing international media distribution and HR service companies has delivered a ready-made professional network right into our laps.

We can confidently state that you can stay tuned for partnership and professional endorsement announcements in the run up to the end of the year!

Looking just beyond the scope of the Aversafe pilot program and its concurrent partnerships, we’ve begun laying the groundwork for coordinating with government representatives to promote the adoption of Aversafe certified credential issuance and verification services for state run educational institutions. While liaising our way into partnerships with the public sector will certainly take some time to pan out — red tape, alas! — we’re committed to doing everything we can to expand the scale of our network.

We’re looking forward to the successful launch of our pilot in 2018, and expect the network of Aversafe partners to expand dramatically shortly thereafter.

