10 Amazing open source Elixir/Phoenix Apps

A comprehensive list of 10 awesome applications built with Elixir/Phoenix web framework.

Ashish Singh
4 min readSep 22, 2017


I have come across some lists on open source Elixir/Phoenix application but most of the times those lists contain libraries built for Elixir. I think that’s not a very good fit for the list I am trying to curate here. In this list you’ll only find applications built with latest version of Elixir/Phoenix we application.

If you think you have any suggestions regarding this list I highly encourage you to comment in the comments section and I’d look into it. Additionally I have a spot for that.

So here we go!!!

All the application listed below are applications you can download and start playing with. They all are built using Elixir/Phoenix framework.

#. Aviacommerce

An open-source e-commerce platform in elixir. This project should be used if you want to start your own e-commerce store. Admin panel and store front are the 2 main offerings in the platform. Codebase can be found here.

Docs for the platform can be found here. ElixirForum discussion thread.

1. Changelog

This is the CMS behind changelog.com. It’s an Elixir application built on the Phoenix web framework, PostgreSQL, and many other great open source efforts.

If you’re building a web application with Phoenix (or aspire to), this is a great place to poke around and see what one looks like when it’s all wired together. It’s not perfect by any means, but it works. And that’s something. We’ve also been told that it is ridiculously fast.

2. Pheonix Trello Clone

Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

3. Firestorm

An open-source forum engine, with an Elixir+Phoenix backend and an Elm frontend.

4. Cercle

Cercle — CRM for smart people — Phoenix Framework & Vuejs

5. Elixir Jobs

Elixir Jobs is the best place to find, list jobs and developer community space specifically for Elixir Programming Language. Looking for Elixir developers? Just post a job. Submit your awesome profile to kickstart your Elixir career. Entirely free!!

6. Constable

Constable is a Phoenix app for posting announcements and having discussions. To learn more about Phoenix, check out Programming Phoenix

7. Elixir Status

Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates

8. Hexpm

The package manager for the Erlang ecosystem

9. EverCam

Evercam Server is the component that is responsible for talking to the camera. Consider it as a “proxy” for all commands. Processes here request either snapshots or streams and then send them to storage, or to any of the clients (e.g. Evercam-Dashboard, Evercam-Android, Evercam-iOS).

10. Looking for suggestions from the community.

I am looking for suggestions for this list if you have any, I keep updating this list with new and better open source applications from time to time.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments section and I’ll update soon if I find they worth it. Looking forward to some cool suggestions!


Aviacommerce is an open source e-commerce framework with an aim to simplify e-commerce ecosystem by creating and unifying smart services and providing consistent, cost-effective solution to sellers helping them sell more. visit aviacommerce.org to know more.

click the image to know more or visit https://aviacommerce.org

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