Flutter Int’l Hackathon June 2019

Sakina Boriwala
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2019

After the success of our Flutter Workshop for Beginners, our next venture is first ever all-day International Flutter™ Hackathon!

Pune Event link on our meetup page.

Yes, you read that right. It is an international event organized by over 2 dozen communities worldwide. We are proud to be one of them.

We love Flutter, use it heavily at work and want to promote the borderless global Flutter Community. We encourage you to start experimenting with flutter and build relationships with other Flutter developers, designers, and hobbyists at all skill levels in your area.

NOTE: Please fill out the Google Form, it is mandatory and you wouldn’t want to miss out on the cool t-shirts and other perks.

What are the rules?

  • Join a team of 2–5 developers and build something amazing in Flutter.
  • Each team will be asked to build an app in Flutter from a list of themes that will be announced the day of the event.
  • At the end of the event, all participants will vote on their favourite projects and the winners will receive cash prizes, swag and bragging rights.

No team? No problem. Join us on any of the platforms below and team up with fellow developers!

What about the food? We got you. Lots of Snacks, Soda and Pizza coming your way!

Where and When?

A little bit about me — Sakina, a Full Stack Developer at Aviabird. Currently working with Flutter & Elixir.

