Null Safety in Dart with Filip Hráček

Suchismita Panda
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2020

A Flutter India event organized on 3rd October with Filip Hráček and Nikita Gandhi as guests for the day. Read on to find out more about the day…

Flutter Null Safety in Dart
Null Safety in Dart

On the 3rd of October, 2020, Flutter India, in collaboration with Flutter Pune, successfully organized the event of “Null Safety in Dart”. It had Filip Hráček as the main guest along with Nikkita Gandhi, Community Manager at Google. She was there to talk about and inform all the attendees of the upcoming DevFest. The event was co-hosted by Sakina Boriwala from Aviabird, leading Flutter Pune along with members of the Flutter India Community.

Filip Hráček is a modern-day sensation who is quite popular in the Flutter field and is a Developer Advocate in the Flutter team. He has been training individuals around the globe on Flutter SDK and Dart. He is also the creator of the Boring Show. Our other guest, Nikita Gandhi, is a Community Manager at Google Developers. Her primary focus includes managing GDG, GDG Cloud Program in India. She is also a Flutter enthusiast who has her own blog and has attended various public speaking events. She was there to talk about DevFest India, which is going to be organized on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of October.

So what is Flutter?

For those of you who don’t know yet, Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations such as Alibaba, Google Ads, Tencent, and more around the world, and is free and open source.

We, at Aviabird, are extensive users of Flutter. We have more than 10 successful Applications in production and many more to come! The major advantage of using Flutter is that it is beautiful, fast, productive, and above all, open.

Flutter uses Dart as the programming language.

What is Null Safety in Dart?

Dart is being filled with sound null safety. This helps developers avoid a class of bugs that can be hard to spot. “Sound” null safety means that Dart is 100% sure that non-nullable variables cannot be null. Dart compilers and runtimes can optimize away internal null checks, so apps can be faster and smaller.

Syntax of null Safety is similar to that of Kotlin, C#, operators, and keywords related to null safety include ? ! and late.

Dart’s null safety feature also improves performance as said by members of the Dart team on June 10. The new feature is the largest addition to the language since the introduction of Dart 2, launched in August 2018.

About the event

The main agenda of the event was to introduce our attendees, which involved people using Flutter and early developers, to this new feature of null safety in dart and provide them with some hands-on experience in the same. This was followed by a Question-Answer session where people could come up with any queries they had. Towards the end of the event, everyone played the Dumb charades style game “Guess the Widgets!”, where they had to act out various elements of Flutter such as buttons.

It was a fun and exciting event for everyone and the learnings from it are unbeatable. To stay updated with all our upcoming events and to post any query, follow us on our Twitter Page and our Meetup Page.


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