5 Tips for Seamless Video Interviewing Process

Whether you’re a video-interviewing veteran or a novice, consider these tips to experience a seamless video interviewing process

4 min readJun 24, 2020


Seamless Video Interview

Some companies are familiar with the video interviewing process and have established a comfort level with the software whereas there are some companies that are finding it quite difficult to adapt to the new video interviewing technologies and the process.

If you want to learn the video interviewing technique these tips can come handy for you and help you to improve your recruiting efficiency.

Use a familiar software

If you haven’t used any video conferencing tool before, don’t worry. There are a lot of options available in the market like Zoom, Skype, Blue Jeans, Google meet, etc which have a simple user interface so that you don’t find it difficult to cope up with any of this software.

Given the current situation, many people must have installed at least one of this software to connect with their friends and family. This is a piece of good news as the companies don’t have to worry whether the candidate has those software or not. But to be on a safer side, make sure you communicate which software you will be using for the video interview so that the candidate installs if he doesn’t have it.

If you prefer an Applicant Tracking System like AviaHire, you don’t have to look for so many applications as the system has already integrated some of the most popular video-conferencing applications.

Automate reminders

To make sure candidates don’t lose out on the interview, it’s better if the HR sends out automated messages as reminders. This will help the company to reduce the number of missed interview and time involved in which the HR actually calls the candidate and gives out a reminder.

If you prefer an Applicant Tracking System like AviaHire, it helps the HR to set reminder automatically as it has integrated with Google Calendars and Gmail which are the basic tools which every candidate has on their personal devices. Also, because of Whatsapp Integration- the most popular instant messaging application, a notification is sent to the candidate’s WhatsApp which again helps the candidate to stay up to date and the recruiter to connect with his candidate on the professional terms.

Test your technology properly

To minimize technical hiccups in your way and maximize seamless candidate experience make you perform a video test before you run for the interview. If you plan on sharing or recording the interview, try that feature beforehand and make sure you use it effortlessly at the time of the actual interview. If you are holding an interview from home or in a new location, make sure you check your internet connection and speed.

Both you and your candidate will be making judgments about each other, you don’t want to make a bad impression over a small thing like bad internet or a poor connection.

Prepare the right questions

Asking the right interview questions is the key element of any interview. Your employee questions should be based on the competencies and capabilities you want your employees to have. You should also include some emotional questions to uncover the emotional quotient of your candidates and the values they believe.

When it comes to comparing two candidates, it’s important you keep the questions quite similar for both the candidates if they are seeking for the same rule. For example, if you are interviewing for the healthcare sector, a similar question to both candidates will help you analyze their level of approach in a particular situation which in turn will help the recruiter to select the right candidate.

Request for feedback

Follow up with a thank-you note to the candidate for their valuable time. If you haven’t conducted many interviews you must ask for the candidate’s feedback to elevate your candidate experience. This can be done by taking notes from candidates and having a star-rating method to analyze the recruiter quickly and efficiently.

With AviaHire, the candidate can give a star-rating to the interviewer, and then the company can check which interviewers are popular among the candidates.

Finally, post your interview make sure you inform the candidates about further stages if any, and when the results will be announced so that they are clear with the whole process and don’t bother the company constantly with their inquiries.

While video conferencing can be a substantial switch to your recruiting process and may make showcasing your company culture a bit more difficult but a well-executed video interview lets you deliver a stellar candidate experience by showing the agility, flexibility, and empathy that are the hallmarks of a great company.

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