A Leader in the Workplace? Here are the Effective Leadership Skills You Need to Have

Leadership is not a skill solely for those at the top of the business and management ladder. Employers look out for such skills when hiring new employees. So what are the effective leadership skills you need to have in today’s workplace? Read on to find out.

5 min readFeb 2, 2021


A Leader in the Workplace? Here are the Effective Leadership Skills You Need to Have
A Leader in the Workplace? Here are the Effective Leadership Skills You Need to Have

Only some agree with the saying “Great Leaders are born, not made.” And why is that so? Because many believe that anyone can improve and develop their leadership skills. The workplaces of today now require leaders with strong and effective leadership skills. The work environment we have today is empowering, clever, creative, and restless. Thus to be able to stay atop the business ladder, leaders should be able to lead vibrant and innovative teams effectively.

Effective leadership is conscious leadership. Effective leaders empower and motivate the people they work with. They exhibit passion, honesty, integrity, confidence, commitment, ambition, and courage. They help their people in nurturing their strengths and talents. Employees are happier and more productive when their leaders are effective and empathetic. The recipe for the success of a company is good morale and a positive work environment. This can only be achieved under the control of an effective leader.

Here are the effective leadership skills you need to have:

Leading by example

No one likes hypocrisy in actions. This goes for leaders as well. Many leaders demand punctuality but they, however, never reach on time. Many want their employees to become hard workers but they themselves are lazy. Many do exactly the opposite of what is being asked of others. This creates friction and distrust in the workplace and could affect productivity as well.

Leading by example is one of the most important skills a leader can have. A leader that does exactly what he or she asks of others, will hold respect and credibility in the eyes of others. An effective leader will have a strong work ethic.


Effective leaders are excellent communicators. Leaders should have good communication skills so that they can effectively articulate the organisational plans, missions, and visions of the company or any projects, and listen and act accordingly to the grievances and complaints of their subordinates.

The communication should be concise, clear, specific, and must be easily comprehensible by others. There should be honesty, straightforwardness, and transparency in communication. This can help build trust among the team and improve the work environment morale.

There should be an open and steady line of communication between the leader and his/her subordinates. Leaders should make themselves regularly available to speak and listen to employee concerns and issues. Leaders must master all forms of communication: verbal communication, non-verbal communication, writing skills, social media communication, and communication by phone. It also includes being able to read body language as well. Good communication also includes good listening skills, being attentive, and doing the necessary after communication.

Motivating others

Motivated employees are productive employees. Employees who are unmotivated work inefficiently and do not produce work with their full potential. So motivating and influencing employees is very important.

Leaders should figure out what factors motivate their workers. Leaders can motivate employees by recognising their work, providing positive performance feedback, and providing employees with the resources and tools they need to succeed. You can install regular rewards and recognition programs and give them new responsibilities. This would increase their self-esteem because giving them new challenges will make them believe that they are reliable to receive as such.

Show your employees that they are important to you. Give ownership and authority over their work. Allow employee autonomy. Encourage them to be creative and innovative in their work. Be open to employee concerns and assess the interests of the staff. Thank and appreciate your employees.


Self-awareness and critical assessment of oneself are important to figure out one’s weaknesses and strengths. These qualities are essential to becoming an effective leader in the workplace. You should have a strong sense of who you are and must be aware of your presence in the workplace. You must have an understanding of your own motivations, personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

Knowing your areas of weakness will help you in improving them and it will improve your leadership abilities. Self-awareness is all about accepting and acknowledging limitations and making decisions accordingly. You should also be aware of what motivates you and your decision-making.

Delegating work

A leader needs to know what, when, and how to delegate tasks. Leaders who take up all the workers struggle to complete it all within time. For effective delegation, you should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates so that you can delegate work accordingly. Effective leaders delegate tasks according to the relevant skill set of their team members. He/she should also know how to prioritize certain tasks.

Delegating work is a sign of trust and not a sign of weakness. A good leader knows the difference between a delegation of work and micromanaging. Delegating work also involves providing the required resources for the employees and setting clear expectations and goals for them. Often we see a lack of direction and instruction given to the employees. This leads to them being confused regarding the work to be done and hence losing valuable time.


A positive environment is an engaged and productive environment. A leader has a huge impact on positivity and enthusiasm in the workplace. A positive environment is also healthy and happy, even during busy and stressful times.

It is all right to loosen those ties and have a good laugh now and then. Employees will more likely want to be at work and work more for the organisation if their leader looks at things in a positive light. That includes mistakes and failures that happen in the workplace.


Providing transparent, direct, and honest feedback is the best way to guide your team. Provide feedback, performance reviews, and even employee accomplishments. Celebrate their wins whether they are big or small.

Positive recognition will also lead to productivity. Provide feedback in a clear and empathetic way. You should also be open to receiving feedback. You should be a coach and a mentor. You should give regular feedback and ensure positive reinforcement as well. Providing feedback will make your employees know that you care about the work they are doing and you are attentive. This will boost their self-esteem as well as productivity.


Becoming a leader is easy. To become an effective leader requires effort and work.

Effective leadership helps in retaining employees, satisfying customers, improving organizational performance, and improving company productivity. It also helps in the engagement of the employees and produces good morale. Being an effective leader takes time and effort. But the results are advantageous to your professional development.

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