How Can You Check Onboarding Effectiveness? Here are the Metrics

An effective onboarding process reaps benefits. But how can you check it? Here is a guide of the metrics you need to use to check the onboarding effectiveness of your employees.

4 min readFeb 15, 2021


How Can You Check Onboarding Effectiveness? Here are the Metrics
How Can You Check Onboarding Effectiveness? Here are the Metrics

We all want onboarding success and efficiency. 36 percent of HR managers, however, cite measuring the effectiveness of onboarding as one of their biggest onboarding challenges. Onboarding isn’t just about welcoming new hires and giving them some tasks. The new employees should develop a connection with the company, its people, and what it stands for.

The onboarding stage is one of the most critical stages in the employee life-cycle. HR metrics can help you measure the effectiveness and success of your onboarding process.

Why Measure The Effectiveness

Onboarding and recruitment requires money, time, and effort. Checking the effectiveness of the onboarding process ensures that you are not wasting these resources. An effective onboarding program helps organizations retain their best employees.

A poor onboarding process can hurt your business. Employees who are confused or don’t know what they are doing could also take up the time of other employees. Employees who don’t feel any connection to the company may also leave. This reduces the employee retention rate.

1. Track Turnover/ Employee Retention

Employee turnover causes disruption, gives away a feeling of uncertainty to the rest of the team, and costs a lot of money to recruit replacements. The first 6 months are critical because it is then when they decide to stay or leave.

Track both voluntary and involuntary turnover. Voluntary turnover happens when employees decide to leave a position in an organization. This could be a result of an ineffective or inadequate onboarding program. Involuntary turnover occurs when an employee decides to leave because of reasons that are not personal. An increase in the turnover rate signifies that something is no right. 98 percent of executives believe that onboarding programs are the key to employee retention.

2. Track Employee Happiness

Tracking employee happiness isn’t about checking if they are having a good laugh while grabbing coffee with their colleagues. You can track employee happiness by doing anonymous surveys or interviews. Happy employees are productive employees. Through these surveys, you will receive feedback and this can help to improve your onboarding process. If there are issues that impact employee happiness, it’s important to do something about them.

3. Track New Hire Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction measures how satisfied your employees are with their jobs. Many today seek fulfillment in their jobs rather than just earning money. So keeping a tab on employee satisfaction, especially new ones, is important. Satisfied employees are pleased with their work conditions, compensation, wages, benefits, among other things.

This can be done through regular surveys. You may ask what their workplace expectations are, job and workplace satisfaction, and how they feel about their jobs. With this feedback in hand, you can figure out areas of improvement and work on them. If your employees are unsatisfied with something, fix it immediately.

4. Keep an eye out for who is leaving

Keep track of which employees are leaving as well. Some employees could cause a huge impact on the organization when they leave. You will need to know why they are leaving. If your best employees are leaving you need to understand the reasons and tackle them if possible. This can be done through exit interviews and surveys.

If your recent hires are leaving, it could be an indication that there is something wrong with the onboarding process. Question them regarding their leaving because their answers are valuable to improve your onboarding process.

5. Time to productivity

Time to productivity is the measure of the length of time it takes for a new employee to meet expected performance levels. New hires will take time to settle in with their job and roles in the company. But within a few days, they should be able to work productively as they are required to. Successful onboarding eases the transition for the employees. They are ready to take on responsibilities. If they still lag or fall behind in productivity, check your onboarding process. You might find an answer for why they are struggling.

Ensure that your recruits have all the resources and tools they need to be productive. HR may collaborate with the heads of other departments to analyse this. Time to productivity varies from job to job.


Ensure that whatever metric you use to check your onboarding effectiveness is fit for your organization. With these metrics, you can improve your onboarding success rate and employee retention.

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