How To Improve Work-Life Balance?

Here are some essential tips for employees and employers with poor work-life balance to implement in their lives. Read on to find out!

4 min readDec 2, 2020


How to improve Work-Life Balance?
How to improve work-life balance?

A lot of individuals around us are suffering from a poor work-life balance and they don’t even know it. Whether employers or employees, everyone tends to be ignoring either one of their personal or professional lives. The thin line separating the personal and professional spheres seems to have dissolved somewhere. A poor work-life balance can lead to a lot of problems in an individual’s life, be it mental health problems, physical problems, or problems in making social interactions. Additionally, it also takes a huge toll on their wallets, causing lump-sum expenditures. Improving work-life balance becomes very important in this situation. A healthy work-life balance can have positive impacts not only on the individual’s life but also help the organization is going a long way.

According to a survey done by the Mental Health Organization in the UK, almost one-third of the working class are unhappy about the time that they devote to work. More than 40% of employees are neglecting other aspects of their life because of work, which may increase their vulnerability to mental health problems. Additionally, the more hours one spends at work, the more hours outside of work they are likely to spend thinking or worrying about it.

The following actions can help individuals overcome this instability in their lives to a considerable extent


#1 Flexibility is key

Companies should focus more on having a flexible work environment and not burden employees with a lot of work all at once. Allow them to set their own pace, fix their own deadlines, and meet them. Giving autonomy and flexibility of work to employees can help improve their satisfaction and commitment towards their work. It also allows them to manage their own time and not just stick to deadlines which they are not able to meet and end up taking unnecessary stress.

#2 Happy workplace environment

Develop policies that acknowledge the association between work-related stress and mental health. These policies should also describe the roles and responsibilities of employees at all levels in the organization in promoting mental health, and describe mechanisms to support staff who experience mental health problems. Having fun activities and leisure activities available in the work-place once in a while can keep the relations between employees and employers on the right track and remove their minds from the monotonous work. Encourage activities that promote good mental health, for example, lunchtime exercise or relaxation classes.

#3 Enabling social connections

Workplaces should provide ample opportunities for employees and employers to socialize and build connections with others working in their organization. It is very important to keep in mind that a formal organization cannot survive without informal organizations existing within it. Making interactions and establishing social relations with co-workers can go a long way in improving employee relations and prevent misunderstandings and complexities.

#4 Small vacations

It is very important for every individual, whether working or not, to have a change of place and environment. Traveling to new places and taking small vacations once in a while can prove to be very beneficial for the health of employees. In fact, doing something new and unexpected over the weekends can cause employees to feel refreshed and motivated on Monday mornings and go through all the tasks for the week.

#5 Build a routine life outside work

Employees should realize that the four walls of their office are not the only space they need to be present at, there is a life outside of work and it is important to nurture and cherish it. Let employees schedule a time for loved ones, pursue any passion or hobby, meet friends, and go out on dinners, join clubs, etc. Recognize the importance of protective factors, including exercise, leisure activities, and friendships. Try to ensure that these are not sacrificed to working longer hours, or try to ensure that employees spend their spare time on these things.

#6 Have priorities clear

Employees should have their priorities set clear and make time out for things that are important for them, be it in their personal or professional lives. This includes speaking up when work expectations and demands are too much. Employers need to be aware of where the pressures lie in order to address them. This also involves tight prioritization, allowing a certain amount of time per task, and trying not to get caught up in less productive activities, such as unstructured meetings that tend to take up lots of time.

#7 Engage in healthy thinking

Last but not the least, employees should avoid irrational thinking as much as possible and engage in healthy and productive thinking and discussions. Take seriously the link between work-related stress and mental ill-health. Try to reduce stress, for example through exercise, relaxation, or hobbies. Healthy thinking can help employees to come up with innovative ideas and execution techniques for completion of their work. It can also help them strengthen their relationships in their personal lives, and improve on both these fronts.

Leading a healthy life is essential for everyone. Therefore, maintaining a work-life balance can not only benefit one in their personal and professional lives but also in their health in the long run.

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