How to stimulate employee performance with online training?

Gamification and Learning Management Systems (LMS) have taken over employee training in almost all spheres of work. Learn how employee training is enhanced by LMS…

4 min readJan 12, 2021


How to stimulate employee performance with online training?
How to stimulate employee performance with online training?

Employee training has reached various new levels, with training now being conducted online through Learning Management Systems (LMS). A lot of companies also have included gamification techniques into their employee training, which has also helped them provide a stimulus to employee training. Online employee training software makes the development, delivery, and management of a staff training program simpler. And they’re purposefully built for training and business success. Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise, an online training management system or learning management system (LMS) has many advantages over traditional classroom-based training. Introducing gamification does not mean installing Playstations all across the workplace. It means using online training software or any such e-learning tool to stimulate training by converting work activity into a more game-like experience. gamification boosts employee engagement by making training, and other regular tasks, more exciting and appealing. Gamification taps into the same human motivations which make ‘games’ entertaining to incentivize trainees, creating a more proficient learning and training model. Whether you’re using your LMS for employee training or any other kind of training, applying gamification will increase employee engagement and knowledge retention.

What are the benefits of LMS?

Automates Process

The introduction of gamification and e-learning tools enables you to automate your training process, and allow you to systematically grade tasks and assignments for employee training. It makes performing repetitive tasks easier.

Saves training time

Conducting employee training online helps save a lot of time for both the company and the employees as employees can complete their tasks from anywhere with an internet connection and can get back to work faster.

Simplifies course creation

Online training software for employees reduces development time because intuitive course-builders let course developers create new content quickly. And they’re collaborative, giving a development team, HR, and instructors the ability to create content together.

Cost reduction

Online training, undoubtedly, helps reduce a lot of the cost that goes into training employees otherwise. The right online employee training software will reduce many staff training costs including travel, venue, and instructor costs. And once developed, an online employee training course can be used over and over again — without any additional costs.

How does LMS help in the online training of employees?

Employees receive constant feedback

By means of gamification, your employees can receive constant, updated, and automatic feedback. They can even compare their performance to their fellow workers within the company.

Undoubtedly, feedback is one of the most significant features of a gameful design, as it allows learners to continuously comprehend how they’re doing and what measures they can take to enhance their performance.

Employees get recognition

Gameful training is an effective way to observe which employee is performing particularly well, which one has improved drastically, and which employee may have wafted off and might need a slight warning. The best part is that it’s all carried out automatically, making it stress-free for supervisors to manage. After all, who doesn’t want to feel acknowledged and appreciated?

Skill development of employees

One of the greatest benefits of adding gamification elements to your online training software is to provide ample opportunities to your employees for learning and self-improvement. A gameful training design allows you to discover new things, and see how they’re becoming easier and easier with the passage of time. This helps you to get things done effortlessly, which were earlier considered as difficult.

Motivate and encourage employees

Competing and succeeding in life are some of the very innate characteristics of humans. Who doesn’t want to win and surpass others? By converting boring courses into gamified sessions, you can encourage employees to compete with one another. This way, they feel more motivated to participate in training and give their hundred percent to appear on the top spot of the leader board.

Increases Employee engagement

Gamification is a potent engagement tool that produces actual behavior variation by working with your brain chemistry. Gamified training feels awe-inspiring as it activates a strong gush of happy hormones. So when your employees enjoy learning, they feel involved and desire more. But, when learning is uninteresting, the happy aspect disappears.

Promotes autonomy and self-paced learning

Gamified learning provides your employees with the option of selecting their own schedule to start a training course or module. All thanks to technological developments, your employees can access training content from any part of the world, via any device, and at any time they want.

Builds emotional resilience

Gamification can change your emotional responses and improve resilience? Emotional resilience is strongly related to engagement in the workplace. By incorporating a gamified training program, you can increase your employees’ resilience and poise. If they know there’s a prize or the opportunity to level up at the end of a challenging learning task, they’ll be more determined to do well.

Promotes teamwork and shared success

Gamified training allows your teams to rejoice in their co-workers’ accomplishments on the online training software. Computer-generated prizes such as badges and points appear on every user’s profile area and turn up on the newsfeed of their online learning software. So every time somebody attains an Acclaim Badge or Experience Points, their co-workers can applaud them with virtual claps or a thumbs up!

Gamification and e-learning techniques are an added advantage to the present system of employee training and engagement. However, It’s important to remember that gamification shouldn’t be done just for the sake of making training entertaining. There should be a definite aim, an objective that you want employees to achieve.

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