The Most Essential Tips For Writing An Offer Letter

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4 min readAug 6, 2020

How to write an offer letter in the most effective way? Here is a guide for all the recruiters and a free template!

The most essential tips for writing an offer letter
The most essential tips for writing an offer letter

A job offer letter is an official document that is sent to candidates selected for employment. It is important for recruiters to send a formal offer letter to their new employees in order to maintain a proper record of employment and also for the purpose of future references. Both the employers and the employees should be aware of the terms and conditions of employment so that any kind of misunderstandings can be avoided. The job offer letter provides a written description of various aspects of employment such as salary, benefits, and the details of employment. All this information will help the candidate to decide whether or not to accept the job offer. The job offer letter is usually sent after extending a verbal offer to the candidate who passed the background check, proof of employment eligibility, reference check, etc.Having an offer letter protects both employee and employer by making expectations clear. A candidate may choose to accept the job offer by signing and returning the letter as a formal acceptance of the position.

However, how does a recruiter make sure that all the information is included in the offer letter, and what is the correct way of writing it? Here are the few points to consider while creating the offer letter.

The most essential tips for writing an offer letter
The most essential tips for writing an offer letter

Company logo

Recruiters should make sure to use the official letterhead with their company logo. It makes the letter professional and legitimate, encouraging the candidate to read it thoroughly. An attached logo of the company makes the letter look formal and gives candidates the confirmations that they need.

Company policies

It is very important for recruiters to make detailed mention of all the policies of the company in the job offer letter so that candidates can look at what they are getting into and what is expected of them. Every candidate should be able to make an informed decision based on the information furnished to them.

Terms and conditions

The candidates need to be clear about the fact that whether it is a full time or part-time employment, what locational specifications are required to be kept in mind and what conditions are required to be met by them before joining. If the offer letter is to be used as a contract of employment, make sure that it is portrayed as one and take special care to avoid any misunderstandings.

Date, company, and contact details

The offer letter should clearly mention various dates such as application, interviews, and any other communication between both parties. It should also include various contact and address details of the candidates, along with their full name. The offer letter should also include various details of the company that can be useful to candidates.

Opening line

Make sure that the first lines of the offer letter are professional. It can be made formal or casual, depending upon the company culture. Opening the letter as “Dear [candidate’s name]” and following on a positive tone such as “We are pleased to offer you the position of [respective position] in [company name]” can prove to be ideal.

Specific details about the job

This part includes the job title, expected start date, employment status (full-time or part-time), office address, name of the supervisor or manager, and duties and responsibilities. Listing primary tasks in this section can also prove to be helpful as they provide insights to the candidates about their basic tasks, which evolve and expand with time.


Recruiters should explain how much the candidate will make per year, month or hour, how often will he/she get paid, and mode of payment. If applicable, they can also share bonus or commission structures. How many details about benefits that they include in the letter is up to them.


Recruiters should provide a summary of key company benefits, such as insurance, paid time off, flexible work hours, and remote or work from home options.

At-will status

It means that the company and its employees can terminate employment for whatever reason and at any given time. Employers and employees may want to seek legal guidance when discussing the at-will status to avoid problems later on.

Expiry date

It’s up to the employer if they want to include an expiry date or not. If they prefer to give the candidate a deadline when considering the job offer, it should be at least one week. Providing a time limit enables the company to find other prospects right away in case the preferred candidate turns down the offer.

Contingencies (if any)

State that the offer is contingent upon completion of certain other background checks, drug screens, physicals, or confidentiality agreements that employees are required to complete.

Closing line

Include details on how the candidate can reach recruiters in case he/she has questions about the job offer.

It is important that all the above information be included in an ideal offer letter. However, it does vary from company to company and they might include more/less data and have their own customized offer letters. An applicant tracking software provides companies with the options to choose from multiple offer letter templates and design a professional one to be sent to all new hires.

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