Top 10 Types of Employee Training Programs at Workplace

Employee training benefits both the employee as well as the company, so it should be taken up as a business investment because its costs will eventually pay off.

5 min readFeb 13, 2021


Top 10 Types of Employee Training Programs at Workplace
Top 10 Types of Employee Training Programs at Workplace

To create a satisfying and productive workforce, HR & training managers must provide opportunities for further training and growth. Unfortunately, too many companies or management dismiss training as boring or unnecessary. Employee training can be boring, but only when the wrong types of training are matched up with the issue you’re tackling. But one should not forget how important this training is as they can be implemented when they are least expected.

The top types of employee training programs at the workplace should include:

  1. Orientation Training
  2. Compliance Training
  3. Onboarding Training
  4. Simulation employee training
  5. Coaching or mentoring
  6. Managerial Training
  7. Team Training
  8. Technical Training
  9. Soft skills development training
  10. Safety training

“Technical Training teaches the skills needed to design, develop, implement, maintain, support, or operate a particular technology or related application, product, or service.”

1. Orientation

Almost every company has an orientation program, which can be either formal or informal. This is usually a one-time process for all the new employees and is usually conducted within the first week on the job. Typically conducted by the HR department, an orientation program seeks to educate the new employees on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Corporate culture
  • Company mission, vision, and values
  • Organizational structure
  • Leadership team
  • Corporate policies
  • Administrative procedures, such as computer logins and email setups
  • New-hire paperwork
  • Benefit plans

2. Compliance Training

Compliance training teaches employees the laws, rules, and regulations of their job function or industry. These laws aim to maintain safety at the workplace and to safeguard from poor conduct from employees. A good compliance training program helps to minimize risk, provide a better environment for employees to work in, and maintain a good reputation of the organization.

Compliance training examples

3. Onboarding Training

Orientation Training is a part of a larger process called onboarding, it is a series of department-related training sessions that occur over an extended time.

This process is specifically designed to quickly help you to perform your role and responsibility well. It typically starts immediately after the candidates are hired and continues until you are able to work independently.

Onboarding usually addresses these items:

  • Your requirements as a new employee
  • Access to certain information to start the job
  • Technical aspects of the job
  • Improvement of work performance
  • Employee engagement
  • Departmental goals

4. Simulation employee training

Simulation training is most often provided through a computer, augmented(AR), or virtual reality(VR) devices. Despite the initial high costs for producing the software or technology, companies invest in them, simulation training can be a necessary option for employees in riskier or high-stakes fields.

You’ll often see simulation training for pilots or doctors, but it can be used for other employees too. This type of employee training is highly-effective and reliable, allowing employees to progress consistently and at their own pace

There are simulation training for new employees to deal with high-level clients or dealing with a critical situation where a new employee may make mistakes that are dangerous for the organization, these simulation trains the employees to take the decision in order to train them for the real deal.

5. Coaching or mentoring

Coaching or mentoring can share similar qualities to team training, but in this type of employee training, the focus is on the relationship between an employee and one or more experienced professional, such as their supervisor, a coach, or a veteran employee is taken into account.

The one-on-one mentoring style creates a relationship between employees that can carry beyond the training. It also allows the employee to ask questions they may not feel comfortable asking in a meeting, or instructor-led training.

6. Managerial Training

When an employee spends a significant amount of time in a certain position, they will either ask for promotion themselves, or they will be considered for a better managerial position by the leading board. These are applicable to employees who are vital to the organization and the company cannot afford to lose them. For such cases, various organizations have managerial training.

Benefits of managerial training

The employees mainly get an insight into aspects such as:

  • Proper and timely delegation
  • Ways to maintain motivation in your team
  • How to provide the right feedback or coaching

7. Team training

The purpose of team training is to enable the members of the team to build a strong relationship with one another and work together in a cohesive manner.

Team training typically occurs when there is a restructuring of a company, merger, or acquisition. In these situations, many employees will be working together for the very first time, making team training an essential process.

Some of the topics that employers discuss in team training include:

  • Improving communication
  • Creating a positive work environment
  • Improving team collaboration
  • Increasing team productivity
  • Establishing good relationships with teammates
  • Identifying and leveraging the strengths of every team members
  • Keeping teammates motivated

8. Technical Training

Technical training is the only way your employees will know how to technically do their jobs right, so it is quite crucial. With all the new technological developments every day, employees need to stay up-to-date with the latest tech trends, and that is best done by training. This type of training is applicable to all levels and generations of employees whether they are new or old.

Technical training benefits

Employees should learn about technical skills such as:

  • Data analysis
  • Content writing
  • Coding
  • Social media management
  • Programming, etc.

9. Soft skills development training

Your employer will want you to behave professionally and function as part of a team. Soft skills refer to personality traits and characteristics that enable the employees to communicate and work cooperatively with co-workers and customers.

These skills are vital for both new and old employees, and they play a role in building a respectful, collaborative, and efficient culture within a company.

Examples of topics covered in soft skills training programs include:

  • Ownership
  • Conflict resolution
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Time management
  • Ethics
  • Adaptability
  • Business Etiquette
  • Commitment

10. Safety training

Safety training protects employees from work-related injuries or any unforeseeable situations, and it is especially important for companies that use toxic chemicals or other hazardous materials. This type of training also includes fire drills, evacuation plans during an earthquake, and workplace violence procedures.

Types of topics discussed in a safety training program include:

  • Protective gear
  • Evacuation in case of an earthquake
  • First aid
  • Foodservice safety
  • Construction safety
  • Fire Drills

In short

Regardless of the type of workplace training the employees undergo, it is important to view the program as an opportunity for growth within the company. Do take notes diligently, ask questions, and contribute as needed. With an open mind and eagerness to learn, the employees may develop new key skills during their workplace training program.

