Challenges Facing Global Aviation

First Segment LLC
Aviation Insights
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2015

The global aviation sector, on a whole, is poised to grow dramatically over the next decade. According to IATA, increased demand for air travel is the result of increased living standards, population and demographic changes, and improved pricing and availability of air service.

Significant global air travel growth presents a handful of challenges for airlines, governments, and the traveling public. As with any challenge, particularly those involving governmental and non-governmental actors, the development of a cohesive plan to attack these challenges would be nearly impossible.

Here are the Big Three challenges we believe will have the greatest impact on the continued, safe growth of the global aviation industry.

  1. Pilot Supply: Training Safe Aviators
  2. Aviation Infrastructure: Developing Nations Play Catch-Up
  3. The Environment: Confronting Carbon

Pilot Supply: Training Safe Aviators

Demand for trained pilots in Asia, South America, and the Middle East has been growing significantly for years. Large aircraft orders related to this growth, as one would expect, require a steady supply of pilots to fly them. Nations have vastly different regulations regarding minimum flight experience and training requirements before a pilot can join an air carrier.

Aviation Infrastructure: Developing Nations Play Catch-Up

Just as well-trained pilots are an integral part of the day-to-day operation of an aircraft, well-maintained aviation infrastructure is equally important to move people and goods. However, in many developing nations where IATA forecasts significant growth, aviation infrastructure lags sharply behind. A robust, efficient and safe global aviation infrastructure is critical to maintaining the free flow of commerce.

The Environment: Confronting Carbon

Climate change will continue to be part of the daily lexicon of policy makers and world leaders. The aviation industry, globally, contributes to approximately 8% of carbon emissions. As the push toward better sustainability is advocated by concerned citizens and government, the aviation industry will have to adapt, perhaps at the expense of the bottom lines of private corporations.



First Segment LLC
Aviation Insights

First Segment LLC is a consulting firm specializing in aviation regulatory matters and flight training. Visit us at