The First “Milestone” Project

Kien Hao Tiet
Aviation Software Innovation
2 min readAug 24, 2020

Background of Opscom is to create and deliver the solution to improve and enhance the efficiency and the ease for our customers to manage their system. Most of our customers have a high profile in requiring a high security such as aviation, justice department, etc. Their needs are usually different from most commercial companies and customers, which our software has to guarantee a high security level and the durability to work for years.

As the first project of ASI, we want to achieve two goals: an extraordinary project, and a “not-too-difficult” project. As a new startup company, we want to work on the extraordinary project to establish our company’s value and culture within the startup community in Vietnam, and further to Asia and the potential customers in Europe. Second, we also want to work on a “not-too-difficult” project so that we can guarantee the quality of the software that is shipped to our customer as a young company. Therefore, in the first project, we will work closely with one of the most popular universities in Norway for their aviation training program. The main goal will be about creating a solution to manage their courses, workload and human resources.

The current technology of our customer is using for their management is Excel. As the grow in their business and data, Excel is not sufficient enough for them to change schedules around, or to manage instructors and students. In many cases, instructors may miss or cannot show up for their training lesson. The school has to immediately change and find the substitute instructor. With Excel, their mobility to do so is difficult and it does not give them the power to express their flexibility. Another example is that in the same situation, when the school is looking for the substitute instructor, the substitute instructor’s experience has to be the most relevant to the given flight session. With Excel, this is a painful process to go through.

With all of the disadvantages above, they reached out to ASI. As a customer, they want us to create a reliable software that can help them to effectively manage their system in the long run. This is an exciting and innovative project for us. As part of our culture of ASI, we are driven by perfection and delivering the best product.



Kien Hao Tiet
Aviation Software Innovation

I am an enthusiast for new ideas that can be applied in anywhere in life.