Unleashing Innovation: Inside AVIV Group’s Inaugural Hackathon

Charles Sauthier
AVIV Product & Tech Blog
5 min readJun 27, 2023

In the fast-paced world of proptech, AVIV Group has recently emerged as a pioneering force in Europe. Unlocking new possibilities for our customers and reshaping the way we get our perfect places. These last weeks, we embarked on an inspiring journey — the organisation had its first-ever internal hackathon (summary video here). In this article, we explore this remarkable journey, where innovative minds converged, brilliant ideas flourished, and a shared vision of unlocking the future of real estate technology came to life.

AVIV ChatGPT Hackathon group picture
AVIV ChatGPT Hackathon group picture © Dominik Tryba

Fueling the Vision

Mid-March 2023 marked a turning point as we received the green light to organise a hackathon for AVIVers. Spearheaded by visionary sponsors Ait Voncke (CEO) and Brent McLean (CTO) along with the enthusiastic support of parent company Axel Springer. AVIV set out on an ambitious endeavour to unleash the creative potential of its employees.

Guided by Eyal Matzkel, Senior Director of Engineering for Marketplace Design - the responsibility of organising the hackathon was delegated to a passionate team of volunteers. Comprising of members from the Marketplace Design department, Internal Communications, Product Ops, and Executive Assistants, the org team’s collective expertise ensured a seamless execution of the event.

Neubau Axel Springer
Neubau Axel Springer — Berlin © Dominik Tryba

To foster collaboration, ignite creativity, and facilitate meaningful interactions, AVIV chose Berlin as the venue for the hackathon. The iconic Axel Springer headquarters, nestled in the heart of the vibrant city, provided the perfect backdrop for participants to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of innovation. The in-person nature of the event further fuelled camaraderie among the participants, offering them a chance to strengthen connections and embark on a shared journey toward unlocking the future of real estate.

At the core of AVIV’s hackathon lay the theme of “ChatGPT.” With OpenAI’s powerful technology as their canvas, participants were encouraged to harness the potential of this LLM (Large Language Model) in their projects. This ground-breaking theme paved the way for diverse ideas and opened doors to reimagine the intersection of real estate and artificial intelligence.

From Ideas to Teams

The hackathon started with an AVIV-wide announcement on April 27th, presented by Eyal Matzkel and Victor Mazzeo, Director of Data Science for Marketplace Design. Employees were invited to submit their project ideas, with the deadline set for May 8th. The response was overwhelming, with 36 captivating ideas pouring in.

The org team consolidated and refined the ideas through meticulous curation, ensuring they aligned with the hackathon’s parameters. Ultimately, 20 compelling ideas were shortlisted. AVIV then opened applications for participants, welcoming anyone from the company who could attend the three-day in-person event in Berlin from June 5th to 7th. With enthusiasm, nearly 40 employees stepped forward to be part of this transformative journey.

The org team employed a combination of scripts and manual curation to form eight dynamic teams. By merging closely related ideas and ensuring each team had sufficient members, AVIV created an environment where diverse skill sets and perspectives could flourish.

On May 26th, with great anticipation, AVIV Group announced the teams and their respective members. Designated team leaders took charge as private Slack channels were opened, igniting the collaborative process. To further foster team dynamics, coaches from the org team volunteered to guide two teams each, acting as servant leaders and facilitators of collaboration.

A team member shows a preview of their project to Brent McLean
A team member shows a preview of their project to Brent McLean

Framing Ideas and One-Liners

As the hackathon commenced on June 5th, teams spent up to two hours refining their project concepts before diving into implementation. A remarkable addition to the process was the requirement for each team to provide a succinct one-liner describing their idea. These one-liners served as rallying points, allowing teams to stay focused and effectively communicate their vision throughout the event.

One of the most valuable aspects of AVIV’s hackathon was the presence of coaches who worked closely with the teams. These experienced individuals offered guidance, ensuring the teams stayed aligned with their objectives. Additionally, during the afternoon of the second day, members of the jury visited each team, engaging in discussions and providing valuable feedback.

A team presents a demo of their project on stage
Team “Realty Buddy” presents a demo of their project on stage

The Grand Showcase

The final day of the hackathon saw teams fully immersed in preparing their demos. At 11:30 am, amidst an air of excitement, each team took the stage to present their remarkable creations, with the jury and fellow participants as their captive audience. Demonstrating the power of collaboration and the potential of ChatGPT, the teams shared their innovative projects, bringing visions to life in a tangible and awe-inspiring manner.

After a quick lunch and debate to designate the winners, the jury led a captivating closing ceremony. The top three projects from each category were announced, showcasing the immense talent and ingenuity within AVIV. Finally, the global winner stepped forward, capturing the hearts and minds of the audience and solidifying their place in the annals of AVIV’s hackathon history.

The winner team on stage during the closing ceremony
“Call Me GPT”, the winner team, on stage during the closing ceremony

With the awards bestowed and as the afternoon sun bathed Berlin’s skyline, AVIVers gathered on the remarkable rooftop of Axel Springer Neubau to celebrate their collective achievements. Amidst joyous conversations and laughter, connections were forged, and memories were etched into the fabric of AVIV’s history.

A Pathway to the Future

Our inaugural hackathon proved to be an unqualified success, with projects that exceeded expectations and opened doors for further exploration. Several teams integrated their ideas into AVIV’s OKR planning, with two ideas directly boarded onto delivery teams. Inspired by this resounding success, AVIV’s board has decided to organise three company-wide hackathons per year, each with a unique theme, propelling the company into a future where unlocking possibilities knows no bounds.

A team presents their project to the hackathon jury
Team “Genius” presents their project to the hackathon jury

Unlocking Everyone’s Perfect Place

AVIV’s hackathon transcended traditional boundaries, bringing together passionate individuals driven by a common purpose. As one of the world’s largest privately owned real estate tech companies and a subsidiary of Axel Springer, AVIV remains committed to unlocking everyone’s perfect place. Through relentless innovation, collaboration, and the boundless creativity displayed during the hackathon, AVIV continues redefining the landscape of real estate technology, empowering individuals, and shaping the industry’s future.

AVIV is hiring a lot of roles all over Europe, especially in France, Belgium and Germany. Have a look to our open positions!

Article created with the help of ChatGPT 🤖



Charles Sauthier
AVIV Product & Tech Blog

Director of Engineering for Marketplace Dynamics @ AVIV Group