AWS Backup Service for Amazon RDS

Kubernetes Advocate
AVM Consulting Blog
5 min readJun 3, 2021

AWS Backup provides a centralized console to automate and manage backups across AWS services. AWS Backup supports Amazon EBS, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EFS, Amazon FSx, Amazon EC2, and AWS Storage Gateway, to enable you to backup key data stores, such as your storage volumes, databases, and file systems.

Ensure that your AWS DynamoDB tables make use of the Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) feature in order to automatically take continuous backups of your DynamoDB data.

Amazon DynamoDB service will snapshot your data with per-second roughness and restore it to any single second from the time PITR was enabled up to the previous thirty-five days. DynamoDB continuous backups represent a further layer of insurance against accidental loss of knowledge on high of on-demand backups. The data stored used the Point-in-time Recovery feature includes Local Secondary Indexes (LSIs) and Global Secondary Indexes(GSIs).

This rule can help you with the following compliance standards:

This rule can help you work with the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Once enabled, DynamoDB continuous backups, powered by Point-in-time

The recovery (PITR) feature, can assist you to defend your DynamoDB information against accidental writes or deletes.


  1. Run list-tables command (OSX/Linux/UNIX) victimization custom question filters to list the names of all DynamoDB tables created within the chosen AWS region:
aws dynamodb list-tables
--region us-west-1
--output table
--query 'TableNames'

2. The command output must provide the Amazon DynamoDB table names:

| ListTables |
| cc-Sampleproject5-inventory|
| cc-Sampleproject5-reviews|

3. Run describe-continuous-backups command (OSX/Linux/UNIX) the name of the DynamoDB table that you simply wish to look at as symbol and custom question filters to show the Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) feature status for the selected AWS DynamoDB table:

aws dynamodb describe-continuous-backups
--region us-west-1
--table-name cc-sampleproject5-inventory
--query "ContinuousBackupsDescription.PointInTimeRecoveryDescription.PointInTimeRecoveryStatus"

04 The command output should return the current status for the PITR feature:


If the describe-continuous-backups command output returns “DISABLED”, as shown within the example on top of, the Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) feature isn’t enabled, so the chosen Amazon DynamoDB table doesn’t take automatic continuous backups.

5. Repeat step no. 3rd and 4th to verify if different Amazon DynamoDB tables, accessible within the chosen region, are using PITR.

6. Change the AWS region by updating the — region command parameter value and repeat steps no. 1–5 to continue the audit process for various other regions


To make use of the Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) feature and enable continuous backups for your Amazon DynamoDB tables, perform the following actions:

Run update-continuous-backups command (OSX/Linux/UNIX) to reconfigure your Amazon DynamoDB table (see Audit section half II to spot the proper resource) and change the Point-in-time Recovery (PITR) feature by setting the PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled attribute to true, as shown within the command example below:

aws dynamodb update-continuous-backups
--region us-west-1
--table-name cc-sampleproject5-inventory
--point-in-time-recovery-specification PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled=true

2. The command output ought to come from the command request information. You can now restore your DynamoDB table data to any point in time within EarliestRestorableDateTime and LatestRestorableDateTime:

"ContinuousBackupsDescription": {
"PointInTimeRecoveryDescription": {
"PointInTimeRecoveryStatus": "ENABLED",
"EarliestRestorableDateTime": 12345678.0,
"LatestRestorableDateTime": 12345678.0
"ContinuousBackupsStatus": "ENABLED"

3. Repeat steps no. 1 and 2 to modify automatic continuous backups for different AWS DynamoDB tables on the market within the elite region.

4. Change the AWS region by updating the — region command parameter value and repeat the entire process for other regions.

Using AWS Console

01 Sign in to AWS Management Console.

02 Navigate to DynamoDB dashboard at

3. Within the left navigation panel, beneath Dashboard, click Tables.

4. Choose the DynamoDB table that you simply wish to reconfigure (see Audit section I to spot the correct resource).

5. choose the Backups tab to access the resource details panel.

6.On the Backups panel, at intervals in the Point-in-time Recovery section, click modify next to the configuration attribute figures and value.

7. At intervals modify the Point-in-time Recovery window, click modify to activate continuous backups for the chosen Amazon DynamoDB table. Once continuous backups square measure enabled, you ought to be able to see the Earliest restore date and Latest restore date attributes with the suitable values. you’ll be able to currently restore your DynamoDB table data to any point in time at intervals the earliest restore date, specified by the Earliest restore data attribute, and also the latest restorable date-time, specified by the most recent restore date.

8. Repeat step no. 4–7 to modify automatic continuous backups for different AWS DynamoDB tables on the market at intervals in this region.

9. modification the AWS region from the navigation bar and repeat the method for different regions.

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Kubernetes Advocate
AVM Consulting Blog

Vineet Sharma-Founder and CEO of Kubernetes Advocate Tech author, cloud-native architect, and startup advisor.