How to Deploy a Dockerised Application on AWS ECS With Terraform

Go from creating a simple Node app to having it containerized, load-balanced, and deployed

Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

In this post, I will guide you through the process of deploying a Node app on AWS ECS with Terraform.

Guide Overview

We will follow these steps:

  1. Create a simple Node app and run it locally.
  2. Dockerize the Node app.
  3. Create an image repository on AWS ECR and push the image.
  4. Create an AWS ECS cluster.
  5. Create an AWS ECS task.
  6. Create an AWS ECS service.
  7. Create a load balancer.

The technologies used in this guide are:




Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog

Hi! I am a JavaScript developer based in London. I love reading and writing about JavaScript, AWS and all things coding.