Website Deployment to AWS with Ansible
This provides a simple yet realistic task of deploying a basic website to dynamically provisioned AWS infrastructure. We will work with multiple AWS components through Ansible, and also perform basic web server configuration against a host with Ansible.
We will be running the playbook to gather the env parameters
As soon as we login to EC2 server, we will switch user to ansible
we will run su - ansible
to become the ansible
user with password cloud_user
Run the following command:
ansible-playbook /home/ansible/get-environment-details.yml
Now Replace the word
“Placeholder” in the File :”/home/ansible/env_vars.yml” with an S3 Bucket name
- Open
with a text editor. vim /home/ansible/env_vars.yml
Change the value placeholder to a unique S3 Bucket name of your choosing.
Create “/home/ansible/deploy.yml” and Add an Ansible Play that Configures Your EC2 Keypair, EC2 Instance, and S3 Bucket per the Instructions.
Now Use the Provided Variable file “/home/ansible/env_vars.yml” for Required Parameter Configuration
- Create the playbook and edit it such that it resembles the following:
Add Another Play to Configure the New EC2 Instance:
Install the `httpd` Package, Start and Enable the `httpd` Service
Deploy the Provided Template File into “/var/www/html”.
Use “/home/ansible/env_vars.yml” for required parameter configuration values
- Add another play to
that resembles the following:
Run /home/ansible/deploy.yml to Perform the Required Tasks
- Run the following command:
ansible-playbook /home/ansible/deploy.yml
Website Deployed
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