Integrate AWS Lambda, SQS, and SNS — a AWS Serverless sample

Deepak Biswas
AVM Consulting Blog
2 min readJul 31, 2019

This blog will show how to Process a request from SNS using AWS lambda and pass it for further processing via SQS. These integration can be typically used for infrastructure automation.

  1. Let us say you have an event captured in SNS from the monitoring system and now want to take action against it.
  2. Depending on the type of alert you will have lambda function triggered, which will place the request to specific Queue (SQS)
  3. Jenkins job subscribed to the particular Queue will consume data and take appropriate action

Problem Statement

For this new setup, a JSON blob (input) is to be published to an SNS topic, processed by a Lambda function, and then the output pushed into an SQS queue.

Input: {“text”: “Hello World”, “amount”: 10}
Expected Output: {“Result”: “ Hello World”}

Please click here to see the full blog with a working sample

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Deepak Biswas
AVM Consulting Blog

Devops Evangelist, AWS Cloud Expert, 14+ years of experience, passionate about cloud and containers