Send Terraform Drift Status To Slack Channel

Vinayak Pandey
AVM Consulting Blog
2 min readJan 25, 2021


In this post, we’ll see how we can schedule a shell script to check for Terraform drift and send notifications to a Slack channel.

Step1: Create a test environment following

Step2: Go to and create an App. Enable Incoming Webhooks for this App. Then click Add New Webhook to Workspace.

Select a channel where you want to publish the message.

Once you are done, you’ll get a sample curl request to post a message to the Slack channel.

Step3: Save the following script as drift. sh.Replace <Slack_Webhook_URL> with the webhook URL we got from Step2.

terraform plan --detailed-exitcode -out=tf.plan 2> /dev/null || ec=$?
case $ec in
0) echo "No Changes Found": exit 0;;
1) printf '%s/n' "Command exited with non-zero";exit 1;;
2) echo "Changes found";
MESSAGE=$(terraform show -no-color tf.plan| awk '/#/,EOF { print $0 }');
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data "{'text':'$MESSAGE'}" <Slack_Webhook_URL>

