Tableau Ask Data

Santhavathi S
AVM Consulting Blog
2 min readJan 12, 2020

Simplifying analytics with natural language

With Ask Data, anyone can easily ask questions of their data regardless of expertise. It is available at no extra charge as part Tableau’s newest release, Tableau 2019.1.

Ask Data interprets the intent behind ambiguous and vague questions to give you accurate results. You can continuously refine your question as you explore your data, then share the findings with others as a Tableau workbook.

It is a Self service analytics available for both Tableau Server and Online, for both live and extract that throws out a visualisation when you ask a question, empowering every individual in an organisation with the ability to ask questions and get quick answers and make better, data-driven decisions. It is as simple as select a data source and type in a question and no setup is required.

Easy Powerful Analytical Capabilities

  • Start your analysis with a simple statement or question
  • Iterate with additional questions by adding follow-up queries
  • Ask Data enriches the semantic model with metadata about the field — when you ask “net sales atleast”, it is able to pick the right column that represents net sales. Metadata also contains the most commonly occurring string values, it internally builds this metadata through a continuous learning process form our usage patterns.
  • Use Global synonym enrichment across data sources — For eg. an attribute called “sales” you can directly add other synonyms such as revenue, income, earnings. This enables users to use more natural language in their questions.
  • With Smart Analytics, it is able to decipher context, and also understand underspecified or ambiguous statements
  • It incorporates data visualization best practices, it is able to pick the right visualisation for you based on the question you ask, but you also have a choice of changing it.
  • Curate data sources for a successful user experience, this includes having proper column names, adding synonyms/aliases for your columns, having all related data as one datasource, etc.
  • It provides an easy path for Business people in going from data to decision

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