Why do white people refuse to be called by their skin color?

I am brown and then I am a woman

Your NativeFriend
Avocado Coffee


Photo by Toni Ferreira from Pexels

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Why if white people have the chance to see themselves in the mirror every day, actively refuse to be called by their skin color? It baffles me.

You see your skin color every day. You know what color you are and everybody else also knows what color you are. So then, why are you denying it over and over again?

“We do not call people by their skin color anymore. We do not call people: “Red” or “Yellow”

Said someone in my comment section, I thought it was hilarious.

Why do you mean with “We do not talk about skin color anymore?” We have always talked and we will always talk about skin color. The only people who do not talk about skin color are white people.

Skin color is a HUGE THING in every single country around the world.



Your NativeFriend
Avocado Coffee

Native American writer, social critic, painter, and polyglot. Pacacua Nation .......... https://ko-fi.com/indiadorada