An Intro to Engineering at Avocet

Simon Critchley
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2018

At Avocet, it’s our goal to build the world’s best digital advertising platform. A system that’s intuitive, fast and performs as expected for every campaign, no matter what the goal. We’re all about delivering honest advertising to real users on quality content — we don’t stand for anything else.

Our engineering team is diverse; some studied Computer Science, others went to the University of Life. What we all have in common is a desire to solve challenging technical problems in interesting and unique ways.

Our Tech Stats:

  • We consistently process in excess of 5 billion requests per day from millions of publishers who rely on advertising to supply free content to their users.
  • We generate in excess of ~1.2 petabytes of data per month.
  • We currently deliver advertising to around 120 million unique users per month.

Our Tech Stack:

  • Microservice applications written in Go.
  • Consul for service discovery and health checks.
  • NSQ for our message queues.
  • HAProxy for load-balancing.
  • MongoDB, Couchbase and Redis for persistent state.
  • InfluxDB and Grafana for our internal instrumentation and dashboards.
  • Presto, Hive and Hadoop for data analysis, reporting and ETL processes.
  • AWS for most of our infrastructure (although we try to remain cloud agnostic).
  • Terraform and Chef to provision, configure and deploy our services (a migration to Kubernetes is in the works).
  • Angular front-end application with websocket interface to our APIs.

Interested in working for us?

If the above tech stack is up your street and you are looking to work on large scale problems, then please get in touch! Check out our careers page or contact with your details and a quick introduction, we’ll be in touch from there.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me, Simon Critchley. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

