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About Avvo
A day in the life of a UX manager @ Avvo
A day in the life of a UX manager @ Avvo
When I first started transitioning into management, I often wondered what my day-to-day would look like without hands-on design work. I…
Kaitlyn Schirmer
Dec 7, 2018
How broadening your perspective with contextual inquiry can effectively narrow your team’s focus
How broadening your perspective with contextual inquiry can effectively narrow your team’s focus
When you don’t know where to start and you suspect you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, start with generative research.
Katrina Schwieterman
Sep 19, 2018
Are you a self-taught UX designer? Here are 3 strategies to help you succeed at your first UX job
Are you a self-taught UX designer? Here are 3 strategies to help you succeed at your first UX job
Three strategies I learned from my Avvo experience, which helped me overcome my insecurities and succeed at my internship
Yan Liu
Aug 17, 2018
Building the case for overhauling Avvo’s account creation experience
Building the case for overhauling Avvo’s account creation experience
I’m a UX data junkie — I want numbers, quotes, trends… whatever I can get. This served me well last year when I found myself needing to…
Kaitlyn Schirmer
May 30, 2018
Running Effective UX Design Critiques
Running Effective UX Design Critiques
Our process at Avvo and how we’re leveraging UX design critiques to build better teams and products.
Puja Parakh
Mar 11, 2018
How I Made the Most of my Avvo Internship
How I Made the Most of my Avvo Internship
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Human Centered Design & Engineering from the University of Washington, I interned at Avvo as a…
Tuyen Truong
Dec 1, 2017
Meet Shawn Farrow: Software Engineer at Avvo
Meet Shawn Farrow: Software Engineer at Avvo
In honor of National Apprenticeship Week November 13–19, we’re proud to highlight Shawn Farrow, a software engineer here at Avvo, who…
The Team at Avvo
Nov 8, 2017
About Avvo
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