How Bullet Journal has NOT changed my life

avni vij
Habit Junkie
4 min readFeb 7, 2019


But helped me form Healthier Habits, be Productive and Accomplish more

I discovered Bullet Journal some two years ago, and have been using it as a structure to form my own journaling system. This system has helped me plan my work better, meet all deadlines without being flustered, form healthier habits and keep a track of other things in my life- namely expenses, trips, health, learning and more. Has it changed my life? No.

But, what it has done for me is streamline my thoughts, brought a clarity of purpose on day to day basis and has become a positive source of inspiration for me.

In this post, I’ll take you through my journal system, reasons for why you should start one too and give you some tips to start one yourself.

My Journal System

My journal’s based roughly on the same structure as the bullet journal, but I do not stick to the rules. For instance, I do not make an index or number pages, nor do I form collections or log entries in the similar way as a BuJo or even have beautiful spreads, that give you a headache just to look at it- because I don’t understand how people can maintain such intricate artwork and still manage to accomplish everything else in the day- no judgement though, I love looking at those but they also give me a complex, that my journal has to look a certain way — but that’s not true. Your journal has to suit your needs. It’s a productive system for YOU and not the other way round.

Your journal has to suit your needs. It’s a productive system for YOU and not the other way round.

So what do I have in my journal? I have a Month Page and I log entries on the day to day basis. And I try, for my own happines to make it pretty. I also use a lot of trackers.

Here are some of the shots of my Journal.

I mostly log work task list on the day to day basis and have a separate area for all my personal trackers.

Some of the personal trackers I include are:

a. Spending Tracker: I am not really good at not spending a lot and I started this tracker to track my day to day expenses. Since I spend the most on my commute and my lunch.

b. Health Tracker: This has the number of days I work out and since for the month of February, I am trying out Intermittent Fasting, I track out that as well.

c. Reading Tracker: Reading is a crucial part of me as a being. And I am trying to make reading an intrinsic part of my life and this tracker helps me to know the days I missed reading and how many books I read the entire. month.

d. My Learning Tracker/Project Tracker: I do many things on the side (Currently I am learning Ukulele, I make hand-carved stamps and working on my website, also trying to learn new things) and this has all of that.

I do it this way, because this works best for me. It also took me a while to come up with a system and I change my trackers almost every month.

I recommend everyone to devise their own systems of planning, organising and tracking. It helps. And if you want to go by the book, check this link out here and learn from the person who began this system- Ryder Carroll.

Why should you start Journaling?

Start the journal, if the following statements are true for you and take the first step in improving your life:

a. You want to streamline your life and have everything in one place

b. You want to relieve the chaos in your mind and clear up the mental-clutter

c. You want to be more productive and take ownership of your present and future.

Tips for the Newbies

  1. Make it a part of your Daily Routine

Setting up your journal system is the first step, but for this to really work, you have to make it a part of your daily routine. I open my journal first thing as I reach work and spend 10 minutes reviewing how my day looks like, adding tasks or reminder. Then in mid afternoon I fill in my trackers and then review it once more at the end of my work day to add things for tomorrow or tie up any loose ends.

2. Stick to it

If you mess up your system in the beginning, do not begin a new journal, stick to it and try to make it work- try and test out different methods and always keep in mind, it is not about the fancy stationery or a new notebook but managing your life.

Remember, Habits make a life.

And now for some inspiration, check out my Bullet Journal Board on Pinterest and revel in envious admiration!

Until next time.




avni vij
Habit Junkie

Learning Experience Designer. Writer. Cat Mom. I write about productivity and habit formation and author a weekly newsletter for self-determined learners.