Competitor Assessment

This exercise was to help us find and critique products, services, companies, and ideas that overlap with our own thesis concerns. This was to identify the strong and weak points of these competitors and hone in on the gaps where our ideas can have the most impact.

Below is a first pass at a competitor analysis for the tool I am building:

Competitor analysis.

Some of the questions answered about the analysis:

Why are you talking about the competitors you have shown? How/why are are they competitors?

Most of these foundations and associations started out as THE source for all news and resources regarding Multiple Sclerosis. Nearly all of them grew big online presences and have diversified in providing offline help such as financial assistance, support groups, awareness events and collaborations with organizations of similar goals.

While nearly all of the organizations listed above are competitors in a sense, it is the aspect of empowering families living with MS which they lack in. Most resources provided by them still leaves a lot of work to be done by families and supporters of people living with MS and there is a need of simplifying how these groups can gain fast access to appropriate on-going help for their respective MS patients.

Your idea can’t do everything, but are there any key benefits that competitors have that your idea is not hitting?

The number of followers and people in the MS community who already subscribe to these societies and associations for answers are what my tool does not have. But, I see that as an opportunity for partnering up with one of them who would be excited about my idea and have it be distributed through their well-developed channels that people are connected to.

