I’m Starting a Creative Design Studio with My Friend. It’s Called Awake°

I’ve been excited to announce this for a long time…

Rick Messer
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016


When I left my old job a few weeks ago, I had a plan. My good friend Phi Hoang and I had wanted to work together again. We wanted a place where we could explore and try our hands at different mediums, spend the hours at work focused on creation & collaboration. Start with the nugget of an idea, push, stretch it, and let it become something new and unexpected.

Setting Up A Company

Just a time-lapse of us putting our first office together

Over the last few weeks, Phi and I have been digging our roots down to stand this company up and explore what we want it to be. We landed on the name “Awake” because we loved how it made us feel when we heard it. The word reminded us of being outside early in the morning at sunrise, feeling alive. Also, we can check the decisions and work that we are doing against it’s meaning. Are we working with intention? Are we putting our hearts into our work? Are we making decisions with our eyes open? Are we awake with our daily actions and living the story we are after for our own lives?

We only get one life, so when do you start being who you want to be? For us, the time is now.

Awake Logo Type Treatment


So, today we are officially launching our brand. Awake° Studios. We’re so excited to finally be here! We can’t wait to start sharing our work as well as some other fun projects we have planned that are just in their infancy.


Here are some artifacts of putting Awake° together. Hoping to look back on these as a company years from now…

Mood board for logo/website
Name ideas
Early morning portraits first day at the new studio office

Rick Messer
Partner & Design Director, Awake° Studios

Stay with Awake°

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