Starting from Scratch

I’m thrilled to share that Rick Messer and I are embarking on an incredible adventure together by starting our very own design studio. It’s a story that I believe is worth telling, and I’m excited for you to be a part of it.

Phi Hoang
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016


Have you ever had a gut feeling that something was right, but talked yourself out of it because you were comfortable where you were? I know I have. The fear of failing can be paralyzing, and it’s often the reason why so many ideas and ambitions go unfulfilled.

If Not Now, When?

A few months ago, Rick and I sat down and discussed the possibility of starting our own business. Even though it scared me, I knew that I was ready to take on the challenges of entrepreneurship. We decided to take the leap and create something that we were truly passionate about.

We Are Awake° Studios

I’m excited to announce our new Austin-based design studio, Awake°. Of course, like any other business, there will be risks involved, and we’ll undoubtedly face our fair share of obstacles. But we’re confident that we’ll build great relationships along the way.

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” — Theodore Roosevelt

Where We’re Trying To Go and Why

When we chose the name Awake°, we knew that it perfectly embodied the feeling we wanted to convey. Our goal isn’t just to create visually stunning designs that solve problems, but to be a brand that values intentionality, faith in our work, and the people we work with.

I asked Rick if he thought of any milestones or goals he’d want to get out of running this studio and here’s what he texted me,

Our vision for Awake° is to help our clients paint the bigger picture and achieve their goals. We believe that time is a precious commodity, and we want to make sure we’re giving our all to each project and every person we work with.

“Emptying yourself of your best work isn’t just about checking off tasks on your to-do list; it’s about making steady, critical progress each day on the projects that matter — Todd Henry

As we begin this exciting journey, I want to give a heartfelt thank you to our friends and family who have been incredibly supportive. We couldn’t have done this without you. And to you, dear reader, I want to say thank you for taking the time to read about our story. We’re just getting started, and we can’t wait to share more with you.

Phi Hoang
Partner & Digital Designer @ Awake Studios

Stay with Awake°

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