Be The Creator, Not The Victim | Overcoming Fear With Identity

Work with the Law of Attraction, not against it.

Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness
3 min readNov 22, 2023


The Law of Attraction teaches us that our vibration creates our reality, but the most common obstacle to maintaining our ideal vibration is fear. Even when we meditate to connect with our inner peace, as soon as we open our eyes and run into a problem, those fears start to creep back in. And when we allow ourselves to believe those fears, we inevitably slip back into a vibration of anxiety and doubt. To overcome this habit, we must remember our true identity and shift our perspective back from powerlessness to power.

You are The Creator, Not The Victim

Fear itself is not the enemy; the real issue is the belief in them. When we see ourselves as the ‘person’ — the one limited by circumstances — then we identify as a victim who has no control over our story and must ‘make due’ with anything the 3D reality throws at us. We believe that we are powerless.

But the truth of the matter is that we are the Creator, because everything in our experience is something we’ve created. Whether it’s consciously or unconsciously, good or bad, we are constantly manifesting throughout the day with our vibrational states. While that means our negative thought patterns can unconsciously create negative outcomes in our lives, it also means we have the power to consciously ‘uncreate’ or change the nature of what we’ve created by manifesting a different outcome. How do we do that?

1. Shift Your Perspective

We do this by shifting our perspective of the things that happen in our lives from the Victim Mentality to our Creator Mentality.


Victim Mentality: “My boss just gave me extra work and a tight deadline AGAIN! I hate this job and I’m so mad I can’t quit, why is life so unfair?”

Creator Mentality: “There is a reason I keep manifesting this circumstance in my life, what beliefs do I hold that keep making this happen?”

When you start taking ownership of the manifestations popping up in your life, whether you like them or not, then you take yourself out of a position of powerlessness and in your rightful place of power, where you can change things.

2. Imagine The Wish Fulfilled

Now ask yourself, “What outcome would I prefer?”. Imagine the emotions you’d feel if your boss started laying up on the workload, or your assignment got completed in an exemplary way. Relief, gratefulness, joy, pride, satisfaction. Visualize yourself feeling these emotions when you think of your job: the joy you feel of going to work because it’s become a less toxic place, the pride you feel in your assignment being completed and getting complimented on it, the gratefulness you feel in still having a way to provide for your family, and the satisfaction you feel in knowing the reason things changed is because you made it so. The Universe feeds off of your vibration, so the simple act of feeling like your preferred outcome already happened aligns you with the exact vibration you need for it to manifest in the 3D. It’s really that simple.


So when life gives you lemons, remember that you get to choose whether you accept them or return them. You are the operant power in your life, you determine what enters and what goes — what leaves and what stays, so don’t fall into the victimhood of the 3D world. Don’t like it? Change it.

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. ” — Neville Goddard

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With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.