Finding Comfort in Negative Emotions | Viewing Life From The 4D

Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness
5 min readDec 12, 2023

It’s easy to be at peace when our emotions are high, every signal is open, and we feel light and free. However many of us stumble when we experience the opposite — the lows, the doubts, the fears, and the worries. These emotions can make you feel like you’re doing something wrong — and the fear of doing something wrong drives us into anxious actions of needing to ‘do more’ to get our manifestations. While ‘doing more to gain more’ makes perfect sense in the 3D — the 4D is a completely different ecosystem. Approaching manifestation and life in general from a 4D perspective, instead of our familiar 3D perspective, helps us to see negative emotions as nothing more than what they are: fodder. In this article, we’ll discuss how to find comfort even when you’re buried in fear and doubt by perceiving life from the 4D instead of the 3D.

Two Worlds

In the 3D world, we are taught hard work obtains greater gain, and that the more effort you put into something, the more you get out of it. While there is nothing wrong with this sentiment in general, it is not the way things work in the vibrational world of the Universe. In the 4D world, you’re not dealing with manners of physicality — you’re dealing with energy. Energy is intangible yet malleable — and is only changed based on what you believe over what you do, feel, or force. This is why it’s common that desires we aren’t particularly attached to (say, a coffee) manifest quicker and more effortlessly than those we are highly attached to (i.e. a million dollars). It’s easy to believe you’ll get a free coffee, not so much that you’ll be handed a million dollars. The energy behind these two things is charged with conditions that were set during our time of blindness in the 3D, however when you awaken to the 4D world you won’t have to go by 3D limitations — you’ll be open to all universal opportunities.


For example, let’s say you want a donut. The donut costs $3, but you only have $1.50. From the 3D perspective, you’d believe it’s impossible to get that donut with only $1.50 in your pocket, so you don’t even bother going into the store. However, from the 4D perspective, you know everything is energy so you don’t believe what’s in your pocket determines what you get — you instead believe you already have the donut (aka assuming the wish fulfilled) so you go into the store anyway. As soon as you make it to the donut display, you notice a small sign that says they are having a 50% sale that day which brings the total down to $1.50 — exactly what you have. You never would have seen this deal if you hadn’t gone into the store!

This is how the 4D world operates. When you have a desire, the Universe begins to align every circumstance to the fulfillment of that desire. It doesn’t take into account your 3D circumstances or your emotions, because they don’t matter one bit. All you have to do is state what you want, believe it, and it is done. However, believing isn’t easy to do when you’ve been given plenty of reasons to doubt throughout your life.

Belief Isn’t Sensed

This is why isn’t important that you are applying ‘belief’ correctly. I’ve used the term ‘belief’ for simplicity purposes, but I am not referring to the traditional meaning of belief that is mental or emotionally charged. I’m referring to an unconscious Knowing — that is, what you know to be true deep inside you. We’ve all experienced this at different points in our lives, where we’ve sensed a “knowing without knowing”. There was no 3D backup to support what we took as truth, but we just knew it with such clarity that no one could tell us otherwise.

This can also be called resonance.

Resonance is the primary way to operate from the 4D perspective. When you resonate with the end-state of your desires, instead of ‘hoping’ or ‘praying’ they come, it makes emotions like fear, doubt, and worry feel less spicy and more like neutral thoughts that are just there. They aren’t obstacles nor do they need to be addressed, they are just few of many thoughts that fly through your head on a daily basis. When you master resonance, you can experience life on a whole new level.

You Are The Director

The Law of Assumption states whatever you assume as true becomes your reality. When you view everything from a 4D perspective which is essentially the end-state of your desire, you become the Director of the play called your life. You call the shots, and living in the knowing that it is done instead of a state of ‘asking’ for it to be done puts you in a vibration that energetically clears the path for the Universe to fulfill your every whim.

It is all about flowing with life after declaring what you want. There’s nothing to do to aid your manifestation, as all manifestations are automatic. Live in the end and move on in life detached from it — because you already know it’s happened. Emotions don’t matter, circumstances don’t matter, and plausibility doesn’t matter — only belief.

“Look upon your desires — all of them — as the spoken words of God, and every word or desire a promise. The reason most of us fail to realize our desires is because we are constantly conditioning them. Do not condition your desire. Just accept it as it comes to you. Give thanks for it to the point that you are grateful for having already received it — then go about your way in peace.”

— Neville Goddard

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With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.