Gratitude: Your Ethereal Medicine

How being thankful in place of waiting for things to change — makes things change.

Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Gratitude is far more important than we give it credit for. On our paths, we commonly become so fixated on trying to ‘get somewhere’ — the next step, the next stage, the next level — that gratitude tends to get pushed to the back of our psyche. When it is remembered, attempting to get in a grateful state can feel like trying to ‘force’ an emotion that may just not be available at the time.

In actuality, gratitude isn’t an emotion.

Gratitude is a release. It’s a knowing. It’s an allowing of your present circumstances to flow without trying to stop them, because you already know they are handled (Law of Assumption) so you release them from your focus.

Love Your Life As It Is

When you’re in an emotional deadlock of anxiety and fear, take a deep breath, hold for five seconds, and let go. Find peace in your life being exactly how it is in this moment, because that’s the exact way you’d feel if your preferred circumstances were happening right now. Remember that the Law of Assumption isn’t about attracting a better life, it’s about being the person living the better life. You’re assuming the state of your desire having already happened.

Think of it as a continuous self-fulfilling prophecy, because the more grateful you feel, the more the Universe gives you to be grateful for.

  • I’m grateful for everything that I have in the here and now.
  • I’m grateful for my present circumstances.
  • I’m grateful for my current status.
  • I’m grateful for my current bank account balance.
  • I’m grateful for my current job.
  • I’m grateful for my family.
  • I’m grateful for my current friends.
  • I am grateful for my current relationships.

And No, This Is Not Perpetuating Your Current Circumstances

The Universe knows what you want and what you‘d prefer — you already stated what you’d prefer simply by having the desire. So by being grateful for your current circumstances, you’re not abolishing your desired ones or encouraging the current ones to stay. Your gratitude says “I choose to be happy regardless”, and that solid state of choice to be happy naturally attracts more things that will make you happy.

If your current circumstances don’t match with what you desire, they’ll fall out of alignment and will be removed from your life because they don’t align. This applies to people in your life, unlovely situations, and sometimes even laws (I’ve experienced this and it’s honestly shocking but incredible).

So be grateful and release your resistance, be happy. Love the world you’re currently in. Everything always works out for you.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, feel free to clap, share with friends, comment, and/or subscribe to never miss out on another post! You can also buy me a coffee, all support is appreciated.

With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.