Spiritual Homeostasis | Remaining Calm During The Storm

Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness
4 min readDec 7, 2023

Homeostasis: a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.

Spiritual Homeostasis is the self-regulating process of remaining in alignment with your inner Knowing, despite what’s going on in the 3D world. When your thoughts, emotions, and vibration are aligned with your Truth, you can navigate life in a state of peace, without constantly battling against the mind. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve this state during the most challenging moments in your life.

Letting Go Of Attachments

When we’re dealing with a storm of emotions, we’re dealing with anxiety of the unknown. Anxiety comes from excessive attachment to outcomes, excessive attachment comes from fear, and fear is always based in the belief that the 3D is more real than the 4D. Keeping the Truth at the forefront of your mind (that you are Pure Consciousness), helps keep anxiety at bay — but this isn’t always easy to do.

You don’t want to try to ‘force stop’ fear or excessive attachment because it will be like putting out fires — constantly battling when a new case comes up. You also don’t want to emotionally and spiritually drain yourself trying to prevent future attachments either, because it just keeps your focus on the potential for negative outcomes.

You want to let go of it all. Spiritual Homeostasis is your baseline of peace, your core state of ‘all is well’. As pure consciousness, this is our natural state of being. When you’re at your baseline, you’ll be detached and feel fulfilled at all times, so that you never have to ‘get ready’ because you’re always ready for whatever life has to throw at you.

How To Remain in Spiritual Homeostasis

  1. Maintaining Connection With Source — Maintaining a connection with Source is crucial to keeping your emotions in check. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by your thoughts and worries when you rely solely on your own mind for comfort. However, if you drop everything and fall into silence for any selected amount of time, you allow the Universe to comfort you and make yourself available for any information or guidance it may have to offer you at that moment.

2. Affirmations — Affirmations, specifically Self-Concept affirmations, help you remember WHO you are which is the most important element of all to remaining calm. When the mind bogs you down with worries, remember that you aren’t a victim to anything happening in life — you are the Creator, and therefore there is never anything to fear. Here are a few starter affirmations to help guide your thoughts from its victim perspective to who you really are:

  • I am pure consciousness.
  • I am not this body.
  • I am not this mind.
  • I am the one beyond thoughts and worries.
  • I am whole and complete.
  • I am fulfilled, here and now.
  • Everything works out for me.
  • I am the operant power in my world.

3. Do Nothing — Lastly, the easiest and sometimes most effective practice for Spiritual Homeostasis is to do nothing at all. When the mind tries to convince you that you need to do “this” or change “that” or that you need to avoid “x” circumstance — you don’t. Because the ‘you’ that the mind is identifying as in the moment isn’t the real You. As a Creator, any problem that comes up can be solved simply by assuming the state of that problem being resolved, therefore worrying about it does nothing. Simply relax, imagine how you’d feel if your perceived problem was resolved in a deliciously surprising way, and savor that pure sensation of satisfaction.

Don’t try to “figure out” details or claim responsibility when the mind tries to convince you of it, just remain in the knowing that it is done and eventually, those thoughts float by on their own. By doing nothing in the face of fear, you are achieving Spiritual Homeostasis.

Guru Moojiji provides more powerful advice on what to do during a Mind Storm, watch it here!

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With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
Awaken To Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.