Accepting This Simple Yet Bitter Truth Has Helped Me Outlast Obstacles Far Bigger Than Me

I wish I could turn back time and share it with my 17-year-old self.

Anirban Kar
Awakened Millennial


Photo by Estoymhrb from Pexels

Let’s start this off with a simple question. What do you do when things don’t go as per your plan? What do you do when you lose the round despite giving it your best?

What’s your first reaction?

Is it anxiety, anger, desperation, or disappointment?

Here comes the next one. Why do you feel all these negative emotions? Because they are all but natural responses.

Fair enough.

But then why do you carry them around your shoulder long after the event has concluded?

It’s because, in some way, you feel responsible. You think you could have done more to control the outcome. So you blame yourself.

Let me be as clear as I can be.

Not only (in most cases) do you not deserve the outcomes you think you do, but you have no control over anything beyond your actions, no matter how good you are.



Anirban Kar
Awakened Millennial

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