My 3-Step Bulletproof Framework To Beat Procrastination (Without the Great Hustle)

You are not lazy. You are just stressed. Here’s how to get rid of it.

Anirban Kar
Awakened Millennial


Design by the author (Source1. Source2.)

Rich people DO sleep 8 hours a day. There’s no reason why you should not either.

Let’s get it out of the way. You cannot hustle your way out of procrastination. If anything, it will only push you into an illusion of progress, which, in the long term, is neither efficient nor sustainable.

It will quickly burn you out, and you will double down in your habit of putting out work even more.

Now, people like Steve Harvey and Gary Vee would like to chalk all your life problems up to you being lazy. Well, science isn’t on their side. (It’s not like they would let pesky facts come in their way.)

Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against these two, who are legends on their own rights. In fact, I admire them. We can all learn a lesson or two from their underdog success stories.

It’s their need to push false beliefs about things they have no idea about; that’s what offends me. It’s, at best, irresponsible. And at worst, downright mean-spirited.

No. It’s not laziness that has been holding you off from reaching your true potential. You are not even…



Anirban Kar
Awakened Millennial

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