The Easiest Way To Start & Stick to Meditation Most People Don’t Know About

‘Empty your mind’ is a BS advice

Anirban Kar
Awakened Millennial


A scene from Doctor Strange (2016)

“How to start & stick to meditation?”

Let’s be honest. You can’t.

It’s just not for you. You have tried everything and skimmed through various fancy techniques. Yet, none of it worked. Right?

Meditation is boring, stressful, and unproductive. In the end, all you are left with is drowsiness and a head full of guilt.

I get it. It’s not easy.

But what if you are making it harder than it needs to be? T̶h̶a̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶i̶d̶!

No. You are not unteachable. You are just following the wrong sets of advice.

Coming from an Indian Hindu family, I was made to sit and meditate for hours. Most of the time, I would doze off. So yeah. It didn’t work.

How could it? Like most people, I, too, was following flawed instructions.

Years later, I stumbled across this crazy effective method from my therapist. Later on, I tossed in some of my own studies and techniques to make it even more effortless.

Now, I’m at a level where I can meditate even while on chaotic public transport.



Anirban Kar
Awakened Millennial

Indian blogger. Words in Mind Cafe, Start Up, & Better Humans. Support me by getting a Membership here: