THIS is what it’s like to live life from Presence

Dancing with the Presence: Life after removing limiting beliefs

5 min readNov 25, 2013

The Most Enjoyable, Incredible Night of Partner Dancing Ever.

From my journal 11/22/2013
I was enjoying being present in my room today, being still. The feeling was so beautiful I was reluctant to go swing dancing today at first, but I went anyways.

At first, I was following my usual pattern of choosing dance partners, but soon, I became more and more present. As I became more and more present, I became more and more picky about who to dance with — although picky is really my Robot-self’s choice of words because it likes to to feel superior and special, but it wasn’t even about being picky. It was more like: “Is this choice of dance partner at this moment in time for the highest good of all? Is this going to benefit her, benefit me, and benefit the energy of the entire dance floor?” If the answer was yes, I’d dance with her, and if no, I did not. But it wasn’t even like I was verbally or mentally asking myself that question. It was more like I was being in tune with the energy, the Presence inside me, and if my energy was in tune with her, and if our in-tune-ment was also in tune with the energy of the ballroom, I’d dance with her. It was more like I was feeling the Yes and No in my body and energy field, rather than verbally asking any question. I was in tune with both the energy of the question and the energy of the answer. That was it. I was also in tune with the energy field of the woman I was about to ask to dance — there was that aspect too. If I wasn’t feeling it, I wouldn’t dance with her, and if I felt the Yes-Field of the Highest Good of All, then I’d go ask.

At first, I felt sadness arise in me regarding this because

(1)it seemed to mean that there was a limited number of women I’d be dancing with,

(2) there was a tiny bit of mourning or grief at the loss of my Robot-self’s old patterns,

but the more I danced with the right women, the more quiet ecstasy I felt. Indeed, there were even times I felt like just sitting down by myself, just enjoying the flow of energy in my body and energy field — I enjoyed the ecstasy so much I’d be moved to quiet tears of joy.

This reminds me of my earlier post — that I’d rather be alone than be with people who are not in vibrational alignment with me. I felt the same way about the women on the dance floor — that I’d rather sit down and be Still within myself and just enjoy the flow of energy in my body than dance with a woman I did not feel aligned with. And it wasn’t even about looks either because every woman on the dance floor was beautiful tonight, and when every woman is beautiful, one has to go beyond looks…in fact, there was no judgment at all. There was just a sense of…moving-away-from-somebody, and moving-towards-somebody. That was it.

The more I moved into vibrational alignment with the Purpose of the Presence inside me, the more ecstasy I felt. At first a quiet ecstasy…

Eventually, I decided to leave early, after blues dancing with just one woman upstairs. That was one of the most enjoyable dances I ever had.

Then I left because I again felt that I’d rather enjoy the ecstasy of being with the Presence in solitude.

In fact, I did not go home directly. I stopped by the park and yelled out: “Yay! Yahoo! I love my life!!!” The ecstasy moved from a quiet, Still ecstasy to a Crescendo! I just wanted to walk around in that ecstasy. Then eventually, I laid down on the grass and just basked…in the energy-field of that Ecstasy, that Presence, that Stillness.

Thank you for reading.

Kundan Chhabra.

About the Author:

Breakthrough-Awakening Coach Kundan Chhabra’s methods of healing have helped more than 150,000 people around the world. Known as a ‘psychic surgeon’ for being fast, laser-focused and effective in getting the results clients want. Instead of years of therapy, costing you tens of thousands of dollars, you remove the root cause of why you suffer in your relationships so that you never suffer again — in six sessions or less!

He guides women to the next level of relationship happiness. His work has helped save marriages, end toxic relationships, and inspired his clients to lead more fulfilled lives with healthier connections of all kinds.

He is the author of “Experiencing Divinity, Sharing Awakening” and the co-author of the ground-breaking anthology “Love-Like God:Embracing Unconditional Love”, co-written with thought-leaders and luminaries from around the world such as world-renowned singer Deva Premal, and endorsed by Chicken Soul for the Soul co-founder Mark Victor Hansen.

He has worked with thought-leaders worldwide through his internet radio show: Noah St. John, Em Claire, Daphne Rose Kingma, and more. You can listen to his show here:

He is best known for his Breakthrough Awakening sessions that remove the root cause of your hurt and suffering in relationships; and his Unlock Your Heart Virtue Discovery Sessions which reveal to you the most important and yummy part of yourself you absolutely need to know to live a life of pure Ecstasy.

Also connect on Facebook:

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Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!