Flying into Testing ✈️

Nathan Antetomaso
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2018

Last week, we took a huge step towards launch and sent out our first testable beta version to friends and family! We’re running our beta through TestFlight, Apple’s built in testing platform that allows anyone with an email invitation and an iPhone to install the app. As I type this 30 kind and dedicated testers are helping us get off the ground by checking out the app, pressing every button they see, and pushing this early version to its limits. We’ve already identified and are hard at work on a long list of fixes and improvements to bring the beta up to par with our standards for a public version.

If you’re one of our testers, thank you for spending your time helping out! If you’re not, be on the lookout as we continue to fly towards the App Store with an even better version soon!

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