Our Co-Creation Campaign now open

Paula Pinaud
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2017

Be part of our next co-created collection. Submit your ideas until April 29th, get feedbacks and perfect your design with our community.

AWAYTOMARS Collection #512

When the submission period is finished our team of ambassadors will select the most interesting designs and upload the technical drawings on our platform. The co-creation can then start, the community will give valuable feedbacks and suggestions to perfect the design.

After this stage, AWAYTOMARS will start the prototyping process. You can be involved online or physically, if you’re in London.

The four stages of your idea

5 Top tips to submit your design:

  1. Write an interesting concept to your design idea.
  2. Try to give as much information as possible on the technical details, as in the fabric, materials and measurements you believe work best.
  3. Upload a clear image in either .jpg, png or gif and up to 5 inspiration images to explain your concept.
  4. Once your idea is on our co-creation board share them on your social media to get valuable feedbacks.
  5. Comment and give suggestions on the other designs participating.

Good Luck!

Lena, one of our pattern cutters.
AWAYTOMARS / Ioana Filimon from our Collection #512
AWAYTOMARS Collection #602

The next collection will be presented in October 2017.

*Submit your design ideas at awaytomars.com

