Co-creators: Catarina Noronha

Paula Pinaud
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2017

Born in 1993 in Amarante, Portugal, Catarina grew up making dresses for her cousins and paiting home walls, but telling everyone that she would be a scientist. After spent two years into Genetic and Biotechnology, just fineshed a Fashion Design and Marketing degree and dreams to be able to merge her three passions: travel, photography and fashion.

Catarina’s original design was a dress with a slash cut zipper. Our proposal was a top in a very similar style

Catarina Noronha’s Original design and AWAYTOMARS’ proposal

The pattern making process:

The result: The Fashion Show at ModaLisboa

On our AW17 edition of the ModaLisboa we wanted to present a different concept: we wanted our guests to experience the co-criation process live. For this we invited artists to intervene on the clothes that were presented in calico (a plain cotton fabric). Catarina’s design was transformed by the artist Monica Magalhães.

Catarina Noronha’s Top by Monica Magalhães

Here you can watch the full video of the show:

