Nine ways to revive collaboration and unleash the full promise of agility

Remove your collaboration killers.

Todd Lankford
Awesome Agile


No collaboration here. Miles of cubicals in an office environment.
No collaboration here. Image generated on

It’s clear to me, collaboration isn’t understood in many organizations; in fact, it’s often absent. And a lack of collaboration can be a real barrier when companies begin to adopt more agile ways of working. Without healthy and persistent collaboration, responsiveness to change (agility) is severely limited.

I want you to understand why collaboration is so critical to agility. My thinking is simple: a team working together is worth much more than the sum of its parts. Many perspectives lead to better decisions and novel solutions to problems. And succeeding collectively builds stronger pride and momentum.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

— 1st value of the Agile Manifesto

Unfortunately, many anti-collaboration behaviors and norms have been hardened into corporate cultures today. Reversing these troublesome habits will take time and deliberate action. And the first step is awareness.

To bring these collaboration-killing patterns to light, I have compiled a list of nine I see in the wild. Each one is coupled with an alternative approach you can use to boost…



Todd Lankford
Awesome Agile

Hi–I’m Todd. I help managers and product teams maximize outcomes while respecting people.