Top 10 Mistakes Organizations Make to Become Agile

And what to do instead

Willem-Jan Ageling
Awesome Agile


Agile is everywhere. It seems like everyone wants to be Agile. If you don’t have agile teams, you are a dinosaur.

But an organization doesn’t simply become agile. Here are ten mistakes organizations make to become agile.

Picture created by Thierry Delestre

10. Top-down implementation of Agile

I know organizations that implement agile top-down. The top of the organization tells the teams that they will have to be working in an agile way and will also establish the how and when. But agile is about teams that self-organize to create valuable products.

It makes sense that management communicates the goal. But finding the best way should involve both management and teams. Together, they should embark on the journey. Every team is unique, as is every product. This calls for teams to decide what works for them.

9. “Implementing” culture of change

Closely related to the top-down implementation of agile is the idea that you can simply implement a culture of change by publishing a culture handbook or creating some new procedures.

It doesn’t work that way. The culture of an organization is something that has been developed for years and years…



Willem-Jan Ageling
Awesome Agile Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.