Azure — Difference between Azure Storage Queue and Service Bus Queue

Ashish Patel
Awesome Azure
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2021


Comparison — Azure Storage Queue vs Azure Service Bus Queue

Awesome Azure — Azure Storage Queue vs Azure Service Bus Queue


Storage Queue is a simple message queuing service to store large numbers of messages.
Service Bus Queue is part of a broader messaging service that supports queuing, publish/subscribe, and more advanced integration patterns.

Storage queues and Service Bus queues have slightly different feature sets. You can choose either one or both, depending on the needs of your particular solution. Azure Storage Queues are simpler to use but are less sophisticated and flexible than Service Bus queues.

Azure Storage Queue

This service offers large numbers of messages storage. You access messages from anywhere via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. A queue may contain millions of messages. Queues are commonly used to create a backlog of work to process asynchronously.

Azure Service Bus Queue

This service offers FIFO message delivery to one or more competing consumers. A key benefit of using queues is to the producers (senders) and consumers (receivers) don’t have to send and receive messages at the same time.

Key Differences



Ashish Patel
Awesome Azure

Cloud Architect • 4x AWS Certified • 6x Azure Certified • 1x Kubernetes Certified • MCP • .NET • Terraform • DevOps • Blogger []