Image Credit: Grey Matter Photography

ABD Submission Guidelines for Writers

Awesome Black Dads
Awesome Black Dads


ABD Submission Guidelines

Your article may not be published if you do not abide by the guidelines set for writers who wish to contribute to the Awesome Black Dads Publication(ABD).

Awesome Black Dads

Awesome black dads is a platform created to curate and share positive experiences of black fathers everywhere. In a world full of negative media relating to black fathers, we at awesome black dads are here to fill the positive void.

We are always looking for new and insightful pieces to publish for our readers to enjoy and share. In order to ensure the quality of our content, we have guidelines and policies that all contributing writers must abide by.

Submission Guidelines

Failing to follow these guidelines will almost certainly result in rejection of your submissions.

Vaild Awesome Topics

All that we ask is that your topic of conversation is an experience relating to fatherhood that has a positive outcome.

Article Layout

Your article must have the following:

  • Header image must be placed at top of article after the title
  • Your articles must have at least 3 of the 5 possible tags.
  • At least one tag must include the topic of your article.
  • At least one tag must be “Awesome Black Dads”

Article Content

  • Articles must be in full and 100% your experience
  • No blatant self promotion. However, you may plug your company or links where they add value to the reader.

Submission Policies

Failing to abide by ABD policies will result in rejection of your submissions and in some cases termination of your contributing priviledges.

Editors’ Rights

  • We reserve the right to add a byline or blurb about our publication at the bottom of your story.

Publication’s Rights

  • We reserve the right to unlist any article published in ABD should it infringe on the well being of another individual without notice to the author.


  • Once a story has been accepted and published by the ABD on Medium we ask that it remain in our publication. We will cease to accept articles from people who habitually remove stories from our publication.
  • Writers who routinely fail to abide by our guidelines and policies will be removed from the publication and banned indefinitely.

How to Submit Articles to ABD

To submit your story to ABD, go to your draft, click the 3 dot menu (…) choose “Add to Publication”, then choose Awesome Black Dads.

While we prefer drafts that are not yet published because it allows us to publish at times we know will give your work more exposure, we do accept already published articles.

After submitting, please allow up to 3 days for your work to be reviewed and added to ABD. While we usually publish submissions within a day, we sometimes get backed up for many reasons. If you are not interested in waiting 3 days to have your work published, please feel free to publish it before submitting to ABD.

We appreciate and look forward to publishing your submissions, but if your article is not accepted, you likely did not abide by one or more of our guidelines.



Awesome Black Dads
Awesome Black Dads

Dedicated to creating positive content about Awesome Black Dads.