Grant Gochnauer: Awesome Humans — Issue #196

Grant Gochnauer
Awesome Humans
Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2019

Awesome Human

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A 27-Year Study Says 1 Thing Is Key to Happiness and Longevity in Work and

“It all comes from one thing that you can spark with eight questions to yourself.”

Rewire your brain

This Is How To Rewire Your Brain For Happiness: 4 Secrets From Research — Barking Up The Wrong

This is a great reminder and overview of happiness and how you are really in control if your own happiness irrespective of external stimuli and situations.

“Wouldn’t it be great to just rewire your brain for happiness? Turns out science has a way for us to do it. Here’s what the research has to say…”

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The Two Things Killing Your Ability to Focus — Harvard Business Review —

“It’s not only the fact that you’re looking at a screen for half the day, but that certainly isn’t helping.”

Healthy Human

Scientists discover new pain-sensing organ

“A new organ involved in the sensation of pain has been discovered by scientists, raising hopes that it could lead to the development of new painkilling drugs. Researchers say they have discovered that the special cells that surround the pain-sensing nerve cells that extend into the outer layer of skin appear to be involved in sensing pain. The scientists say the finding offers new insight into pain and could help answer longstanding conundrums.”

Human Builders

Terrain map

Learn Wardley

I had not seen this mapping strategy before but its really intriguing!

“The process of making strategic decisions (leadership) based on the purpose (“the game”), a description of the competitive landscape (a map), the external forces acting on the landscape (climate), and the training of your people (doctrine).”

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What culture is right for you?

“At best, we can say that culture contains many things from experience, learned behaviour, knowledge, meanings, relationships, hierarchies (i.e. power structures), capabilities (i.e. skills), values, possessions, aspects of belief (i.e. ethical position relative to others), principles and attitudes. It has many layers from the individual to the group to the organisation to the nation. It has many perspectives which may vary with context.”

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A Framework for

As always, a fantastic analysis of the recent banning of 8chan by Cloudflare which is commentary on where along the Internet infrastructure stack does it make sense to make decisions around free speech:

“To be perfectly clear, I would prefer that 8chan did not exist. At the same time, many of those arguing that 8chan should be erased from the Internet were insisting not too long ago that the U.S. needed to apply Title II regulation (i.e. net neutrality) to infrastructure companies to ensure they were not discriminating based on content. While Title II would not have applied to Cloudflare, it is worth keeping in mind that at some point or another nearly everyone reading this article has expressed concern about infrastructure companies making content decisions. And rightly so! The difference between an infrastructure company and a customer-facing platform like Facebook is that the former is not accountable to end users in any way.”

Future Humans

Master plan of the universe revealed in new galaxy maps

“A team at the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy has created Cosmicflows, a set of maps of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe.”


Neuroscientists are looking to AI to understand how we

“Two parallel quests to understand learning — in machines and in our own heads — are converging in a small group of scientists who think that artificial intelligence may hold an answer to the deep-rooted mystery of how our brains learn.”

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Dark matter may be older than the Big

“Dark matter, which researchers believe make up about 80% of the universe’s mass, is one of the most elusive mysteries in modern physics. What exactly it is and how it came to be is a mystery, but a new study now suggests that dark matter may have existed before the Big Bang.”

Mysterious, Ancient Radio Signals Keep Pelting Earth. Astronomers Designed an AI to Hunt Them Down.

“Sudden shrieks of radio waves from deep space keep slamming into our radio telescopes, spattering those instruments’ recordings with confusing data. And now, astronomers are using artificial intelligence to detect those outbursts.”

One More Thing

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High internet use and state support help countries ditch

“Even within the rich world, the most digitised societies use cash least often”



Grant Gochnauer
Awesome Humans

Dad, Co-Founder & CTO at @Vodori, @EqualityIll Board, Engineer, Builder, Geek, LGBT, Philanthropy, Agile & Lean, ESTJ. Relentlessly Curious. #crypto rabbit hole