Awesome React — Issue 2

December 29, 2017

Andreas Keller
Awesome React
2 min readJan 4, 2018


NOTE: This is a cross-post from the Awesome React newsletter. I publish each email one week after it’s sent. Subscribe to get more content like this earlier right in your inbox!

This is the last newsletter in 2017. I wish you all a good start into the new year!

This past week I added again awesome videos to from Kent C, Dodds, Wes Bos, Ben Awad and others.

The introduction to React you’ve been missing. Watch it here.

Wes Bos spoke at dotJS conference on December 1, 2017 about Async + Await. He talks about how we can write synchronous looking code with Async + Await without losing any of the benefits of JavaScript’s asynchronous nature and explores how it works, best practices for flow control, and explores several solutions for handling errors.

Async + Await. Watch it here.

Ben Awad finished an awesome extensive project/tutorial where he implements a Slack clone from scratch using React, GraphQL and styled components and documented it all on YouTube. It helped me a couple times when I was rewriting the API with GraphQL and it’s really interesting to follow along as he learns new things about the different technologies and how he implements them later. Definitely check out the videos.

Slack Clone Using GraphQL and React. Watch it here.

Do you know of some awesome videos about React and it’s ecosystem which I haven’t added yet? Just reply to this email and I will add them. Happy new year!

Andreas (@itsakeller)

Originally published at

