3 Useful Tips to Manage a Remote Team

A simple guide on how to tackle engagement, communication, freedom and other novel issues of working from home

Tarun Jadhwani 🎶
Awesome Sauce


Work From Home — Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

The current pandemic situation has forced a lot of us to work from home. Who would have imagined that the long debate of productivity in work-from-home vs work-from-office will come to a pause, and every software company would try going remote? All said and done, going remote does bring many challenges on the plate. These challenges only grow multifold if you are managing a remote team for the first time. After six months of managing a remote team and some good reading alongside, I wanted to share a few tips. So here goes a list:

1. Having a daily stand-up/scrum meeting

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

The daily Scrum/Stand-up is a meeting where the team gets together and discusses the plan for the day. This meeting helps align everyone, including yourself as a manager, on the activities you are going to do. The best time to do this is at the start of the day, for obvious reasons. In remote work, staying engaged with the team is the key and this is the only meeting that connects you, as…



Tarun Jadhwani 🎶
Awesome Sauce

DOE in fintech startup, a pragmatic person who loves photography, travel, and origami. Writes about technology, security and life hacks.