5 Rules for freelancers

Awesome Sauce Creative
2 min readMay 6, 2019
5 Rules for Freelancers — Rishi Singh | re

Be an expert, find your forte.

Don’t be the jack of all trades and master of none!
Take your time, let the skills sink in and develop yourself in a specific direction that yields you expected results.

Get the advance[cash-in-hand] first!

It saves a hell lot of pain and regret if you take care of the advance before starting the project.
It also ensures the dedication of the client towards the project and stop him from hopping onto another freelancer.

Always work on contracts.

It increases transparency and clears out your deliverable.
Binds you and the client and maintains the credibility of the project.
Also it makes sure you get paid for what you have been asked to do.

You are the businessman!

Or at least try to be one!
Make sure to acquire the important business skills to flourish in the competitive market.
Learn Social media skill, marketing, advertising, networking and do talk to people.
“Grow yourself to grow your business!”

Don’t hesitate from asking.

Focus on the deliverable and make sure to answers as many questions as you need to fulfill the project.
Also, right questions make your project considerably easier.

Instagram | Rishi Singh | re

That’s all in this blog folks! Stay tuned for more on how to make a better online presence. You connect with me on Instagram here and can also check out my company awesomesauce creative (website) here (Instagram.)

Originally published on awesomesauce.in



Awesome Sauce Creative

Integrated branding, strategy and marketing company that helps businesses grow.