Who are Influencers?

Awesome Sauce Creative
1 min readOct 28, 2019

The Demi-Gods of internet marketing!

Influencers, as you can understand by the name itself, are the people who influence the decision making, life-choices and priorities of target clientele or viewership with their social media presence.

Now this influence can be delivered by a number of ways like, portraying an aspirational lifestyle, showcasing literary skills, focusing on social-cultural-environmental changes or problems and many other sub and sub-sub categories that can be in the bandwidth of random city coverage to highly niche segments.

This category of homo-sapiens is usually considered as the experts of their said industry who are flamboyant about their mere existence on our little blue dot, Earth. (Well, i am not being sarcastic or cynical!)

Since when are these beings among us?

Since forever!

Yes, influencers have always been an integral part of our society and have been influencing their active and passive following to achieve one thing or another.

That’s all in this blog folks! Stay tuned for more on how to make a better online presence. You connect with me on Instagram here and can also check out my company awesomesauce creative (website) here (Instagram.)

Originally published on awesomesauce.in



Awesome Sauce Creative

Integrated branding, strategy and marketing company that helps businesses grow.